An enthusiast will release an alpha version of The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall on the Unity engine in the coming days

Gavin Clayton has been working on porting The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall to the Unity engine since 2014. Now the production process has reached the alpha version stage, about which the author сообщил on your twitter. The remastered game will be released to the public soon, as "final ideas are almost complete."

Clayton has now reached the stage of polishing the project and fixing bugs. The author brought his work to version 0.9, in which many different gameplay mechanics appeared. For example, users will be able to turn into a vampire or a werewolf, swim, climb to a height, levitate and break environmental objects. According to the enthusiast, the main aspects are implemented, but the support for modifications and localization will have to wait until the release of version 1.0.

An enthusiast will release an alpha version of The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall on the Unity engine in the coming days

The remaster of Daggerfall on Unity is similar in concept to the original, the developer only gives the game a modern look. For example, it added high resolution textures, mouse support, and fixed a lot of bugs. You can visually assess the status of the project using the May video diary. To run Daggerfall on Unity, you must have the version of the original game from and software, listed on Gavin Clayton's website.


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