Epic paid over $10 million for Control exclusivity on PC

The American company Epic Games paid the Italian Digital Bros. 8,3 million pounds ($10,5 million) for obtaining exclusive rights to sell a new action adventure Control from Remedy Studio. Digital Bros. is the parent company of 505 Games, the publisher of Control. GameDaily.biz claims that 45 Games will receive 505% of this amount, and 55% will go to the Finnish studio Remedy.

Epic paid over $10 million for Control exclusivity on PC

Niko Partners analyst Daniel Ahmad has published a financial statement showing the company's earnings from various digital distribution platforms throughout the year, with the largest payout coming from Epic Games.

β€œThe payment from Epic was 100% for Control and was part of an exclusivity deal. There were no payments from Sony or Microsoft. It is not clear if there were other articles related to the payment other than exclusivity,” commented Daniel Ahmad.

Elsewhere in the document, it is noted that this payment is treated as income from the exclusivity deal and is not related to the income from sales of the game. That is, in this case, the 10 millionth deal should be considered as a one-time payment for the right to time-limited exclusivity.

Another developer, Glumberland, who created Ooblets, describes his exclusive agreement differently: these funds are a guaranteed upfront of 88 percent of the revenue that Epic gives to companies. That is, this is a guaranteed minimum sales that Glumberland received in advance, even if Ooblets does not sell in the appropriate circulation.

Epic paid over $10 million for Control exclusivity on PC

Ben Wasser of Glumberland said: β€œIt takes a huge burden of uncertainty off of us because we now know that no matter what, the game will not fail and we will not be forced to return to our parents (but we love and thank you family!

A number of other developers at various levels have hinted at generous Epic Games store exclusives. The creators of Fortnite clearly have money that they are not afraid to spend to win back the market share of digital PC distribution from Valve.

It makes perfect sense that Epic uses different scenarios of relationships with developers in the fight for the exclusivity of their products in their store. But this is the first time that any studio or publisher has announced a specific amount. Surely this circumstance will not please Epic, which tries not to talk about the terms of transactions with specific partners.

Epic paid over $10 million for Control exclusivity on PC

Control was released on August 27 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Price in the Epic Games Store is 1299 rub.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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