Hacker publishes thousands of Mexican embassy documents

According to online sources, last week thousands of documents containing confidential information belonging to the Mexican Embassy in Guatemala became publicly available. In total, more than 4800 important documents related to the activities of diplomats, as well as containing personal data of Mexican citizens, were stolen.

Hacker publishes thousands of Mexican embassy documents

The hacker identified on Twitter under the nickname @0x55Taylor is behind the theft of the documents. He decided to post the stolen documents on the Internet after all attempts to contact the Mexican Embassy were ignored by diplomats. Ultimately, the files were removed from public access by the owner of the cloud storage where the hacker had placed them. However, experts managed to familiarize themselves with some of the documents and confirmed their authenticity.

It is also known that the hacker managed to obtain confidential data by discovering a vulnerability in the security of the server on which it was stored. After downloading the files, he discovered, among other things, scans of Mexican citizens' passports, visas and other important documents, some of which belonged to diplomats. It is reported that @0x55Taylor initially decided to contact Mexican diplomats, but did not receive a response from them. A leak of personal data on the Internet can lead to unpleasant consequences associated with the disclosure of confidential information of persons whose documents were stolen.  

Source: 3dnews.ru

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