How to choose commercial courses teaching IT professions

When choosing courses, you should be interested in 2 numbers - the proportion of people who reached the end of the course and the proportion of graduates who got jobs within 3 months after the end of the course.

For example, if 50% of those who started a course complete a course, and 3% of graduates get jobs within 20 months, then your chances of entering the profession with the help of these particular courses are 10%.

(The formula is not entirely correct, because some people find work during the course and do not need to complete it, but in general there are few such people).

If the website of the course you are interested in does not have these numbers, do not hesitate to ask the organizers for them.

Russian-language face-to-face and online education has been on hype for many years in a row, and the creators of schools and courses were mainly focused on participant feedback and their satisfaction.

But satisfaction with the process may be very poorly related to conversion to course completion or job placement. For example, many training participants who fall off during a course tend to blame themselves and do not give public feedback.

But an unfinished course is, first of all, the failure of the school / course, it is their task to attract the right students, weed out the wrong ones at the entrance, captivate the rest during the course, help them complete the course to the end, prepare for employment.

Why are both numbers important?

Now the situation is changing, the founders of schools have begun to work to employ graduates, but they are often cunning, saying that they employ all graduates, arranging draconian conditions for passing the final exam, or expelling 95% of course participants during the course.

100% conversion should raise suspicion, because... Not everything can depend only on the school; even the American General Assembly has a job conversion rate of 90-95%.

Depending on the topic and length of the course, good values ​​for course completion conversion would be 50-80%, good values ​​for graduate conversion would be the same 50-80%, which gives you an overall success rate of 25-64%, which in general not bad.

If the course organizers do not provide information about these conversions and do not even measure them, this is a serious reason to think about whether it is worth contacting them.


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