Where to go: upcoming free developer events in Moscow (January 30 - February 15)

Where to go: upcoming free developer events in Moscow (January 30 - February 15)

Upcoming free events for developers in Moscow with open registration:

January 30, Thursday

February 4, Tuesday

February 6, Thursday

February 15, Saturday

* Links to events work inside the post

1) Master's degree or second higher education; 2) Problems in implementing DDD

January 30 19:00–22:00, Thursday

1. β€œMaster's degree or second higher education” - Nina Pakshina and Pavel Ivanov

2. "Problems in the implementation of DDD" - Mark Shevchenko

Open Load Testing Community MeetUp

February 4 19:00–22:00, Tuesday

1. "Programming with Grafana and InfluxDB: a new report for Gatling" - Vyacheslav Smirnov, Raiffeisenbank

2. β€œCI/CD for Apache.JMeter with Jenkins” β€” Kirill Yurkov, Beeline

3. "Case study of performance defects: deadlock, race condition, memory leak" - Sergey Filimonov, EPAM

Ecommpay Database Meetup

February 6, 18:00-22:00, Thursday

19:00 "Modern highload - modern solutions: MySQL 8.0 and Percona improvements" - Sveta Smirnova

20:00 "Vertica: the secrets of speed and efficiency of big data analysis" - Andrey Kirilenkov

21:00 "MySQL in the life of highly loaded financial applications with a complex replication topology and two data centers" - Vladimir Fedorkov

22:00 - 00:00 AFTERPARTY

Open Domain Driven Design MeetUp

February 6, 18:30-22:00, Thursday

19:00 "DDD: hard to understand, hard to implement" - Mark Shevchenko, independent developer

20:30 "Event Storming on practical cases" - Sergey Baranov

FunCorp iOS meetup

February 15 12:00–18:00, Saturday

1. β€œServices without a server. We use Firebase 100%” β€” Andrey Mukhametov, FunCorp

2. β€œCatastrophically useful consequences of modularization (in the world of iOS and continuous integration” - Artyom Loenko, Badoo

3. "UI Rendering in iOS" - Mikhail Sorokin, Citymobil

4. "Lottery in the application: rendering, animation and no fraud" - Natalia Nikitina, Revolut

5. "We eat" design in parts" - Ekaterina Bateeva, Raiffeisen Bank

6. Round table

Source: habr.com

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