New iOS 13.2 glitches: Tesla owners cannot open the car

The latest update 13.2 was supposed to fix the errors that were made in the 13th version, however, as practice has shown, this did not happen. Yes, new firmware led to the HomePod continuously rebooting, making the smart speaker unusable. However, this turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg.

New iOS 13.2 glitches: Tesla owners cannot open the car

On iOS 13.2 smartphones led to additional problems. Now applications that run in the background close almost immediately. Simply put, if a user is chatting on WhatsApp and needs to switch to Safari, there is a high chance that the conversation will be interrupted because the system decides to force close the messenger. And after switching back, the browser will also close. Moreover, this manifests itself even on the older version of the iPhone 11 Pro, so the issue is clearly in the firmware, and not in the lack of RAM.

Overcast and Instapaper creator Marco Arment said on Twitter that the company must have a good excuse as to why their software quality has deteriorated again. According to Arment, Cupertino explains this by the lack of time for testing and correcting errors. Why the company management is silent in this case is unknown. Finally, Arment noted that thanks to such aggressive closing of applications, it is no longer possible to talk about full multitasking in iOS. 

There's also a problem with apps. affected owners of Tesla electric vehicles. The fact is that the system now β€œkills” the key application, which allowed the doors to be unlocked when the owner approaches, because it also works in the background. There have been no comments from the company yet. 


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