Tests of the simplest applications in various programming languages ​​have been published.

Jeff Marrison, author of x86_64 assembler-implemented free (GPLv3) library heavything, which offers, among other things, implementations of the TLS 1.2 and SSH2 protocols, опубликовал video called "Why write in assembler?". The video shows the results of testing the simplest application (output 'hello') written in 13 programming languages ​​using the perf and strace utilities.

In fact, it compares the costs of loading an executable image and initializing runtimes for Assembler, C, C++, Go, Rust, Python, Perl, TCL, Java, PHP, NodeJS, Ruby, and Bash. The examples used in the video are available for downloading.

Tests of the simplest applications in various programming languages ​​have been published.

Source: opennet.ru

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