Increased tariffs will hit those who want to buy electronics not only in the US

Negotiations on reforms in the sphere of trade relations between China and the United States proceeded tensely, and the week ended with a formal victory for the initiative of the American president. It was announced that Chinese-made goods imported into the United States with a total turnover of $ 200 billion a year will be subject to an increased duty: 25% instead of the previous 10%. The list of goods subject to increased tariffs includes graphics and motherboards, cooling systems and cases of system units and many other components of personal computers. Smartphones and off-the-shelf computers such as laptops were not included in the "first wave", but Donald Trump is determined to expand the list of Chinese goods subject to increased duties in the foreseeable future.

How will this affect those who shop outside of the US? First, now the difference in the cost of goods in the US market and in the country of residence should be too noticeable to push the consumer to cross-border purchase. Secondly, manufacturers of electronic devices and components will have to partially compensate for their losses in the direction of American exports by increasing the prices of goods supplied to other countries, since many adhere to a price unification strategy, and raise the retail price of goods in the United States by the same 15 % at once is unlikely to succeed.

Increased tariffs will hit those who want to buy electronics not only in the US

Some manufacturers will have to move part of their production capacity outside of China in order to avoid increased duties. However, many of them did it in advance, since the threat of changes in the US tariff policy has been in the air for more than a month. Any transformation of this kind entails costs, and these too can be passed onto the shoulders of consumers around the world.

The US President said that negotiations on trade regulation will continue, and the imposed duties in the future may be reduced or left at the same level - everything will depend on the outcome of future negotiations with China. The economy of this country is going through difficult times, even without taking into account the factor of US tariffs. Finally, the tension in relations between China and the United States threatens the Russian economy with a weakening of the national currency and a loss of interest of foreign investors in Russian assets. During this turbulent time, investors will prefer to invest in the economies of more stable countries.


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