Trident project moves away from BSD to VoidLinux

A complete move has been announced, citing limited hardware support and poor availability of software packages on FreeBSD as the main reasons.

They promise that there will be better support for GPUs, sound cards, streaming, wireless networks, bluetooth support, always fresh updates, fast loading, Hybrid EFI / Legacy support.

Among the reasons for switching to Void, runit is highlighted (impressed by the speed and simplicity of the initialization system), LibreSSL by default, musl and libc support, and a fast xbps package manager.

The Lumina graphical environment will be frozen while moving to Void.

Trident-stable, which is on FreeBSD 12, will continue to receive updates until January 2020, its repositories will be removed in April 2020. Trident-release based on FreeBSD 13 is no longer updated, the repositories will be removed in January 2020.

The first version of Trident based on Void Linux will be released in January 2020, 1-2 pre-alpha versions will be released.

The project is working on porting its utilities to Void Linux, including the missing ZFS-on-root support. Instead of AppCafe, another gui package manager will be written.


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