Project Wight Renamed Darkborn - Game Gets New Gameplay Demo

Studio The Outsiders has shared a new fifteen-minute gameplay demo of Darkborn, a fantasy action game that used to be called Project Wight. The user will play as a representative of some intelligent species, which people call darkborn (Darkborn). They are cruel, but in the project they act as victims, because they are forced to hide from people. Viking-like enemies use the protagonist's relatives to carry out their bloody rituals.

Project Wight Renamed Darkborn - Game Gets New Gameplay Demo

In the gameplay demonstration, viewers can see several stages of the protagonist's growing up, at each of which the project will offer its own style of passing. The cub cannot engage in combat, it has to sneak around and stay out of danger. Adult darkborn are able to repel any enemy - they rely on their own strength and engage in hand-to-hand combat. This part of the gameplay is shown in the video. Darkborn has elements of stealth, the main character can eliminate enemies from a distance and land on his target from a height. The first frames demonstrate a variety of locations and a decent visual component.

Darkborn is being developed by David Goldfarb, who helped create Payday 2 and Battlefield 3. The publisher is Private Division, a branch of Take-Two responsible for smaller projects. While the creation of The Outsiders does not have a release date, the authors also did not say anything about the platforms, but they previously announced the release on the PC. 


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