The developers of Marvel's Avengers talked about the co-op missions and rewards for completing them

GameReactor Edition reportedthat Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix held a preview of Marvel's Avengers in London. At the event, senior producer on the development team Rose Hunt shared more details about the structure of the game. She told how co-op missions work and what rewards users will receive for completing them.

Marvel's Avengers developers talk about co-op missions and rewards for completing them

A spokesperson for Crystal Dynamics said: β€œThe difference between the story mode and the co-op missions is that the campaign only features solo missions. They are heavily narrative-driven, with the player joining other members of the AI-controlled "Avengers" team and playing through part of the story. So the story moves forward."

Marvel's Avengers developers talk about co-op missions and rewards for completing them

Rose Hunt then spoke about the opening of new tasks: β€œAt some point, the player will have access to co-op missions in Warzones. As the user progresses through them and completes the story segments, more story stages and quests are unlocked to complete with other real people. There is a choice of which part of the project to pay attention to. You can go through cooperative tasks, and then return to the plot. The missions in the Warzones are designed for four people, for their completion the user will receive new equipment for the characters.

Marvel's Avengers will release on May 15, 2020 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.


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