Red Hat open sourced Quay, a registry for building and distributing container images

Red Hat Company announced about the formation of a new open project Quay, which will continue the development of the previously developed behind closed doors container image registry of the same name, which underlies the services Red Hat Quay ΠΈ The project fell into the hands of Red Hat after the purchase of CoreOS and was opened as part of an initiative to convert proprietary products of acquired companies into open source software. The code is written in Python and open licensed under Apache 2.0.

The project provides tools for building, storing and distributing images of containers and applications, as well as a web interface for managing the registry. Using Quay, you can deploy your own registry of container or application images in your controlled infrastructure, to run which you only need access to the DBMS and disk space for storing images.

The registry is compatible with the first and second versions protocol (Docker Registry HTTP API), used to distribute container images for the Docker engine, as well as the specification of Docker manifest files. Specification supported for container discovery App Container Image Discovery. It is possible to connect to continuous delivery and integration (CD/CI) systems with assembly from repositories based on GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab and Git.

Quay provides flexible access control mechanisms, tools for managing development teams, and allows the use of LDAP, Keystone, OIDC, Google Auth and GitHub for user authentication. The storage can be deployed on top of local file system, S3, GCS, Swift and Ceph, and replicated to optimize data delivery based on the user's location. Includes tools Clair, which provides automated scanning of container contents to identify unpatched vulnerabilities.


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