Firefox 72 release

Web browser released Firefox 72and mobile version Firefox 68.4 for the Android platform. In addition, an update has been branch long term support 68.4.0. Coming soon to the stage beta testing the Firefox 73 branch will move over, the release of which is scheduled for February 11 (project moved for 4 weeks development cycle).

All innovations:

  • In the default standard blocking mode for inappropriate content is included protection against user tracking using hidden identification methods (“browser fingerprinting”), which is carried out by additional categories on the list, which includes hosts found to be using scripts for hidden identification. Hidden identification refers to the storage of identifiers in areas not intended for permanent storage of information (“Supercookies”), as well as the generation of identifiers based on indirect data, such as screen resolution, list of supported MIME types, header-specific options (HTTP / 2 и HTTPS), analysis of established plugins and fonts, availability of certain Web APIs specific to video cards features rendering with WebGL and Canvas, manipulation with CSS, analysis of the features of working with mouse и keyboard.
    Firefox 72 release

  • Activated methods fight with annoying requests to grant the site additional permissions (Notification.requestPermission(), PushManager.subscribe() and MediaDevices.getDisplayMedia()). Requests for authorization confirmation will no longer interrupt work with the browser, but will only lead to the display of an indicator in the address bar after user interaction with the page (mouse click or key press) has been recorded. Many sites abuse the browser's ability to request permissions, mainly by periodically asking for push notifications. Telemetry analysis showed that 97% of such requests are rejected, including in 19% of cases the user immediately closes the page without clicking the agree or reject button.
  • Added by experimental support HTTP/3 protocol (to activate in about:config you need to set the option “network.http.http3.enabled”). HTTP/3 support in Firefox is based on neqo, written in the Rust language, implementing the client and server of the QUIC protocol (HTTP/3 standardizes using the QUIC protocol as a transport for HTTP/2).
  • In accordance with the requirements of the law that came into force CCAC (California Consumer Privacy Act) added ability to delete telemetry data from Mozilla servers. Data is deleted if you refuse to collect telemetry in the “about:preferences#privacy” (“Firefox Data Collection and Use” section). When you clear the "Allow Firefox to send technical and interaction data to Mozilla" checkbox that controls sending telemetry, Mozilla undertakes within 30 days remove all data collected in the time before the failure of the telemetry transmission. The data collected on Mozilla's servers during telemetry collects information about performance, Firefox security, and general parameters such as the number of open tabs and session duration (information about the sites opened and search queries is not transmitted). Full details of the data collected can be viewed on the "about:telemetry" page.
    Firefox 72 release

  • For Linux and macOS, the ability to view video in Picture-in-Picture mode has been added, allowing you to detach the video in the form of a floating window that remains visible while navigating in the browser. To view in this mode, you need to click on the tooltip or in the context menu displayed when you right-click on the video, select “Picture in picture” (in YouTube, which substitutes its own context menu handler, you should right-click twice or click with the Shift key pressed).

    Firefox 72 release

  • When the scroll bar is displayed involved background color of the current page.
  • Removed opportunity public key bindings (PKP, Public Key Pinning), which allows, using the Public-Key-Pins HTTP header, to explicitly determine the certificates of which certification authorities can be used for a given site. The reason cited is the low demand for this function, the risk of compatibility problems (PKP support terminated in Chrome) and the ability to block your own site due to binding the wrong keys or loss of keys (for example, accidental deletion or compromise as a result of hacking).
  • The composition accepted patchesallowing in OpenBSD engage system calls unveil() и pledge() for additional file system and process isolation.
  • Removed support for blocking images from individual domains. The reason for removal is the lack of demand for the function among users and the inconvenient interface for blocking.
  • In builds for Windows, an experimental feature has been implemented to use client certificates from the general operating system certificate store (the security.osclientcerts.autoload option must be activated to enable it in about:config).
  • Support for CSS Shadow Parts is enabled by default, including the "Part" and pseudo-element "::part", allowing you to selectively display specified elements from Shadow DOM.

    A paragraph CSS to select elements bound to the part attribute:

    custom-element::part(example) {
    border: solid 1px black;
    border-radius: 5px;
    Padding: 5px;

  • Added specification support CSS Motion Path, which allows you to define the path of animation objects using CSS without using JavaScript code and without blocking the rendering and input process during the animation. CSS properties are provided to control animation
    offset-distance и

  • Selected CSS transformation properties are enabled by default stairs, rotate и Translate, not bound to a property transform (i.e. in CSS you can now specify “scale: 2;” instead of “transform: scale(2);”).
  • JavaScript implements the logical concatenation operator "??", which returns the right operand if the left operand is NULL or undefined, and vice versa. For example, "const foo = bar ?? 'default string'" if bar is null will return the value of bar otherwise, including when bar is 0 and ' ', as opposed to the "||" operator.
  • Added API FormDataEvent and event FormData, which make it possible to use JavaScript handlers to add data to the form when it is submitted, without having to store the data in hidden input elements.
  • API Geolocation updated to match the new specification, for example renamed Coordinates to GeolocationCoordinates, Position to GeolocationPosition and
    PositionError in GeolocationPositionError.

  • To the JavaScript debugger added support for conditional breakpoints (watchpoint), triggered when certain properties of objects are changed or read.

    Firefox 72 release

  • The startup of the JavaScript debugger has been accelerated when a very large number of tabs are open (first of all, priority is now given to visible tabs).
  • Responsive Design Mode implements simulation of different meta viewport values. Added “prefers-color-scheme” value simulator to page inspection mode.
  • В web consoles in multi-line JavaScript interpretation mode, added support for saving and opening files using the combinations Ctrl + O and Ctrl + S.
  • Added by setting up javascript.options.asyncstack to visually separate asynchronous messages in the web console. When you activate the settings for console.trace() and console.error(), the full call stack of asynchronous operations is displayed, allowing you to understand how to schedule the launch of timers, events, promises, generators, etc.

    Firefox 72 release

  • In the WebSocket inspection mode, parsing and visual display of metadata in the SignalR format used in ASP.NET Core messages has been implemented. Counters have also been added that show the total size of sent and downloaded data.
  • In the tool for monitoring network activity in the Timings tab separately displayed information about when each resource was queued for download, when download started, and when download completed.
  • Environment excluded from tools for web developers Scratchpad, designed for experimenting with JavaScript code (Scratchpad was replaced in the last release by a multi-line web console mode).

In addition to innovations and bug fixes in Firefox 72, 20 vulnerabilities, of which 11 (collected under CVE-2019-17025 и CVE-2019-17024) are flagged as potentially capable of leading to attacker code execution when opening specially designed pages. Let us remind you that memory problems, such as buffer overflows and access to already freed memory areas, have recently been marked as dangerous, but not critical. Also of particular note is the issue CVE-2019-17017 in the XPCVariant.cpp code, which can also potentially lead to code execution.


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