OmniOS Community Edition release r151032

The distribution is based on the code base of the Illumos project, which in turn continues the development of OpenSolaris in the field of the kernel, network stack, file systems, drivers and other operating system components.

The distribution kit can be used both as a general-purpose OS and for building highly scalable storage systems.

The system has full support for KVM and Bhyve hypervisors, Crossbow virtual network stack, ZFS file system.

Among the new features, we can note a significant improvement in SMB / CIFS support in the kernel (many smb3 extensions have been implemented), support for storing data and metadata in encrypted form has been added to ZFS, support for new Linux distributions has been added to LX zones containers, support for pluggable TCP congestion control algorithms has been added, Bhyve hypervisor performance optimization, NVME device emulation support added.


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