Release of content management system Plone 5.2

At the end of July, the developers published the long-awaited release of one of the best content management systems - Plone.

Plone is written in Python CMS using an application server Zope. Unfortunately, little known in the post-Soviet space, but widely used in educational, government and scientific circles around the world.

This is the first fully compatible with Python 3 issue that has been in the works for more than three years.

Key features:

  • Python 3. Declared support for versions 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8;
  • Used Zope 4;
  • The REST API has been moved to the core (prior to this, the implementation was made as a separately installed add-on);
  • React based frontend Face.

Despite the fact that Plone is present in many distributions, the developers recommend using a unified installer and images for VirtualBox / Vagrant from the official site.


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