Release of DBMS SQLite 3.30.0

The SQLite 3.30.0 DBMS has been released. SQLite is a compact, embedded DBMS. Library source code transferred to public domain.

What's New in Version 3.30.0:

  • added the ability to use the "FILTER" expression with aggregate functions, which made it possible to limit the coverage of data processed by the function to only records by a given condition;
  • in the "ORDER BY" block, the "NULLS FIRST" and "NULLS LAST" flags are supported to determine the location of elements with a NULL value when sorting;
  • added ".recover" command to restore the contents of damaged files from the database;
  • PRAGMA index_info and PRAGMA index_xinfo are extended to provide information about the storage layout of tables created in WITHOUT ROWID mode;
  • added sqlite3_drop_modules() API to disable automatic loading of virtual tables;
  • PRAGMA function_list, PRAGMA module_list and PRAGMA pragma_list commands are activated by default;
  • the SQLITE_DIRECTONLY flag has been introduced, which allows you to prohibit the use of SQL functions inside triggers and views;
  • the deprecated option SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT3 is no longer available.


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