Is it possible to beat Halo 3 on Legendary difficulty with a Guitar Hero controller? Quite

After a month of attempts and 252 deaths, YouTuber Super Louis 64 successfully completed Halo 3 on Legendary difficulty using only a Guitar Hero controller.

Is it possible to beat Halo 3 on Legendary difficulty with a Guitar Hero controller? Quite

In the 22-minute video, Super Louis 64 showcases highlights from his Halo run. It mainly consists of deaths that occurred before he could reach his impressive goal.

Using an input converter to replace the Xbox 360 controller, Super Louis 64 was able to move left with the green guitar button, right with the red button, jump with the yellow button, and fire with the blue button. A number of other actions were performed with an additionally clamped yellow button. For example, strumming the guitar allowed him to move forward or backward, while holding down the yellow button served the same action to aim up or down.

Is it possible to beat Halo 3 on Legendary difficulty with a Guitar Hero controller? Quite

β€œThe difficulty was in controlling the first-person shooter with a guitar that does not have sticks,” wrote he's on Reddit. Such a control scheme practically does not allow you to aim and shoot at the same time. β€œIt was a tough challenge overall as I hadn’t played Halo 3 for almost a decade,” Super Louis 64 told Super Louis 3. β€œI saw a tweet earlier this year about someone joking that their roommate had a β€³ Adderall" and plays the Halo XNUMX guitar on Legendary difficulty. I wanted to see if it was possible, and it turns out it definitely is, if you don't mind your arms falling off."


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