Release of CentOS 8.1 (1911)

Submitted by distribution release 1911 CentOS, which incorporates changes from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1. The distribution is fully binary compatible with RHEL 8.1, changes made to the packages, as a rule, come down to rebranding and replacing the artwork. Assemblies 1911 CentOS prepared by (7 GB DVD and 550 MB netboot) for x86_64, Aarch64 (ARM64) and ppc64le architectures. The SRPMS packages from which the binaries were built and debuginfo are available via

Parallel continues to develop continuously updated edition CentOS Stream, wherein provided access to packages being built for the next RHEL interim release (rolling RHEL).

In addition to the new features introduced in RHEL8.1, the following changes can be noted in CentOS 1911:

  • Removed RHEL-specific packages such as redhat-*, insights-client and subscription-manager-migration*;
  • Changed the contents of 35 packages, including: anaconda, dhcp, firefox, grub2, httpd, kernel, PackageKit and yum. Changes made to packages are usually rebranded and replaced with art;
  • A lot of work has been done on the processing of scripts for automatic rebuilding of the source texts of RHEL packages during the formation of CentOS Linux. Due to changes between the RHEL 7 and RHEL 8 branches, many scripts stopped working and needed to be adapted to the new buildroot. Building CentOS 8.2 on top of RHEL 8.2 is expected to run more smoothly and require significantly less manual work.

Known Issues:

  • When installing in VirtualBox, you should select the "Server with a GUI" mode and use VirtualBox not older than 6.1, 6.0.14 or 5.2.34;
  • RHEL 8 terminated support for some hardware devices that may still be relevant. The solution may be to use the centosplus kernel and prepared by the ELRepo project iso images with additional drivers;
  • The automatic procedure for adding AppStream-Repo does not work when using boot.iso and installing over NFS;
  • The installation media offers an incomplete dotnet2.1 component, so if you need to install the dotnet package, you must install it separately from the repository;
  • PackageKit cannot define local DNF/YUM variables.


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