NetSurf 3.9 Web Browser Release

Took place release of a minimalistic multi-platform web browser NetSurf 3.9, capable of running on systems with several tens of megabytes of RAM. The release is prepared for Linux, Windows, Haiku, AmigaOS, RISC OS and various Unix-like systems. The browser code is written in C language and distributed under the GPLv2 license. The new release is notable for supporting CSS Media Queries, improving JavaScript handling, and fixing backlogs of bugs.

The browser supports tabs, bookmarks, page thumbnails, URL auto-completion in the address bar, page scaling, HTTPS, SVG, an interface for managing Cookies, a mode for saving pages with images, HTML 4.01, CSS 2.1 and partially HTML5 standards. Limited JavaScript support is provided and is disabled by default. Pages are rendered using their own browser engine, which is based on libraries Hubbub, libcss и LibDOM. An engine is used to process JavaScript duktape.

NetSurf 3.9 Web Browser Release


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