Warner Bros. and Funcom have removed Denuvo from Batman: Arkham Knight and Conan Unconquered

Recently we reported about the free distribution of Batman games in the Epic Games store. And now there are other interesting clarifications: Warner Bros. removed Denuvo protection from Batman: Arkham Knight for EGS. Surprisingly, the Steam version of Batman: Arkham Knight still includes Denuvo. Warner Bros. did not explain why the dubious anti-hacking technology remained on Steam.

Warner Bros. and Funcom have removed Denuvo from Batman: Arkham Knight and Conan Unconquered

At the same time, Funcom removed Denuvo from Conan Unconquered - the game is available to play for free on Steam these days, which is good news for those who were considering purchasing it but didn't want to deal with DRM.

By the way, according to the first tests, there are no significant differences in performance between versions of games with and without Denuvo. Batman: Arkham Knight saw a slight increase in minimum frame rate, but average performance seemed unchanged. Conan Unconquered, on the other hand, saw an even less significant increase in frame rate.

However, like most games without Denuvo, both of these games now launch noticeably faster than before. Let's hope Warner Bros. will soon also remove Denuvo from the Steam version of Batman: Arkham Knight.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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