X019: trailer for the upcoming launch of Halo: Reach on Xbox One and PC

After yesterday's rumors Microsoft has confirmed that Reach Remastered, Bungie's latest Halo game, will join the Halo: Master Chief Collection.

X019: trailer for the upcoming launch of Halo: Reach on Xbox One and PC

On December 3rd, Halo: Reach will be part of the Master Chief Remastered Collection for Xbox One. Xbox One X and eligible TV owners can expect 4K resolution in HDR at 60fps.

On Xbox One, Halo: Reach multiplayer in Forge and Theater modes will automatically be available to anyone who has previously purchased Halo: The Master Chief Collection, but Campaign and Firefight mode are available separately. However, subscribers to the paid Xbox Game Pass service will immediately have access to the full version of Halo: Reach within the collection.

X019: trailer for the upcoming launch of Halo: Reach on Xbox One and PC

In addition, the same day, Reach will mark the launch of the collection on the PC platform (it has been available on consoles since November 2014), and additional games will be included in it throughout 2020 - the latest will be Halo 4. Notably, the Master Chief Collection will be released not only in the Microsoft Store, but also on Steam.

Along with the announcement of the launch date, Microsoft released a new Halo: Reach trailer showing the game in 4K resolution. Connoisseurs of this classic console shooter will be able to indulge in nostalgic feelings surrounded by better and more modern graphics.

Studio 343 Industries announced that system requirements Halo: Reach will be low. Those who wish to get acquainted with the quality of the reissue in more detail can evaluate 50 minutes of gameplay on PC in 4K.

The original game was released in 2010 on the Xbox 360. It sold over 3 million copies in the US in its first month, thanks in large part to the fun and varied multiplayer experience.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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