Developer salaries in Armenia

Salaries in the IT sector of Armenia do not lend themselves to the general salary conditions established in the country: the order of figures is much higher than the average salary, salaries are comparable, if not with Moscow, then regional in Russia, with salaries in the tech sector of Belarus.

We calculated the average salaries of developers in Armenia, described the reasons for these figures, how they compare with salaries in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Germany. And how much, on average, does a senior developer have left of their salary after deducting taxes, rent and basic costs in each of the countries.

Developer salaries in Armenia


Companies in Armenia do not disclose salaries, the data provided in the article is based on information meettal, the largest technical recruitment agency in Armenia.

On hand per month, specialists receive:

  • Junior: $580
  • Middle: $1528
  • Senior: $ 3061
  • Team Lead: $3470

In order to understand salaries in the context of the country, the cost of living for one person is marked in a different color on the graph - $ 793 per month. The amount is calculated by the numbeo service and includes the rent for a one-room apartment in the city center and basic expenses (for example, groceries, public transport, dining out, etc.).

Developer salaries in Armenia

How is Armenia's financial climate different?

  1. Salary is always discussed.
    In Armenia, some IT companies are taxed under a preferential system, for example, start-ups and foreign companies that have opened an office in Armenia. The total tax burden on the wage fund varies from 10 to 30 percent. The trend is to immediately discuss the salary minus all taxes.
  2. No one calculates and discusses the annual salary, as, for example, is done in Europe or the States.
  3. In general, salaries are not public information. A few indicate salaries on job boards or publicly discuss the surebet.
  4. The spread between the salary of a junior and an already experienced specialist is huge compared to the spread of salaries in Europe or the States. The average salary for a junior position is $580, for a senior position it is almost 6 times more.
  5. The Armenian tech sector, in comparison with other countries, is a rather small market. The percentage of developers relative to the total population is high, but it's still not enough to close all open positions. Therefore, sometimes companies are repelled by a person and his skills, and not by the role open in the company. Accordingly, the salary is discussed individually, and not in accordance with the internal grade.
  6. In the local IT sector, all salaries are paid in white.
  7. On average, in the market, salaries are more often fully covered with money, not with an option. Among the companies offering the option is a noise-canceling startup crisp, health-tech startup Vineti, the largest developer of software for virtualization VMware.
  8. Of the features that do not directly affect the level of salary, but reduce the cost of living, Yerevan is a small city, the location of the office is never discussed during a conversation with a potential employee.

Salaries compared with data for Belarus, Germany, Russia and Ukraine

For starters, where did all these numbers come from.

Belarus has been collecting data on salaries in those sectors for several years. One of the reports presents breakdown on the salaries of specialists with different experience in programming languages. We deduced the average for all languages ​​for juniors, middles, seniors, leads. The data is immediately net of taxes.


The site represented dynamics salaries of programmers throughout Ukraine in different languages. To begin with, we collected average data for juniors in all languages, and deduced the average salary. Also for other specialists. Lead salaries from widget. The data is immediately net of taxes.


On According to My Circle, the average salary in the sector is 108,431 rubles. Average software development data from this graph. Numbers by team lead hence. The data is immediately net of taxes.

Data for Germany was collected from glassdoor, payscale and stack overflow. Salary everywhere was indicated gross. Net was calculated from calculator.

Developer salaries in Armenia

Germany has a complex taxation system. The data indicated in the chart is the salary that the

  • person living in Berlin
  • 27 years
  • Without children
  • Category 1: single or partner lives outside of Germany, does not have resident status
  • Church tax not included

Country Jun Mid Senior Team lead
Belarus 554 1413 2655 3350
Germany 2284 2921 3569 3661
Russia 659 1571 3142 4710
Ukraine 663 1953 3598 4643

Salaries are important to consider in the context of the country, taking into account the cost of living.

The cost of living was taken in the capitals, in all cases calculated according to numbeo data per person plus the rent of a one-room apartment in the center.

Developer salaries in Armenia

So you can immediately track at what point a specialist can freely lead a comfortable lifestyle, and at what point, even after deducting basic expenses, there is still half of the salary left.

Armenia, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine are united by the fact that in all countries there is a significant increase in salaries with each additional year of experience, while in Germany the difference between junior and senior is not so critical. But on the other hand, the example of Germany shows that even the salaries of juniors cover basic expenses and the rent of an apartment in Berlin.

Another interesting indicator is how much is left from the salary of a senior developer, minus the cost per person and rent.

Developer salaries in Armenia

As a result: Armenia's tech sector is growing, the number of companies is growing, and the number of experienced developers is limited. As a result, high competition for engineers and high salaries, as one of the ways to attract and retain specialists in the company, in the country or not on freelance.

Material prepared by the team ITisArmenia.
A small representation of Armenia on Habr: we introduce the Armenian IT sector, opportunities and vacancies.


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