Author: ProHoster

C++ and CMake - brothers forever, part II

The previous part of this entertaining story talked about organizing the header library within the CMake build system generator. This time we will add a compiled library to it, and also talk about linking modules with each other. As before, those who are impatient can immediately go to the updated repository and touch everything with their own hands. Contents Divide Conquer […]

Digital events in Moscow from 12 to 18 August

A selection of events for the week. Business transformation: threats and opportunities August 13 (Tuesday) NizhSyromyatnicheskaya 10str.3 free On August 13, as part of an open lecture, invited experts from different companies will share their experience in implementing changes and discuss key issues related to business transformation. BestData. Anti-conference for FMCG August 14 (Wednesday) BolPolyanka 2/10 page 1 free With the adoption of 54-FZ, new sources […]

Discrete Mathematics in Implementing a WMS System: Clustering Lots of Goods in a Warehouse

The article describes how, when implementing a WMS system, we were faced with the need to solve a non-standard clustering problem and what algorithms we used to solve it. We will tell you how we applied a systematic, scientific approach to solving the problem, what difficulties we encountered and what lessons we learned. This publication begins a series of articles in which we share our successful experience in implementing optimization algorithms in […]

Pwnie Awards 2019: Most Significant Security Vulnerabilities and Failures

At the Black Hat USA conference in Las Vegas, the Pwnie Awards 2019 ceremony took place, during which the most significant vulnerabilities and absurd failures in the field of computer security were highlighted. The Pwnie Awards are considered the equivalent of the Oscars and Golden Raspberries in the field of computer security and have been held annually since 2007. Main winners and nominations: Best server […]

NordPy v1.3

A Python application with an interface for automatically connecting to one of the NordVPN servers of the desired type, in a specific country, or to a selected server. You can select a server manually, based on statistics for each of the available ones. Latest changes: added the ability to crash; checked for DNS leaks; added support for connecting via Network Manager and openvpn; added […]

GCC 9.2 Compiler Suite Update

A maintenance release of the GCC 9.2 compiler suite is available, in which work has been done to fix bugs, regression changes and compatibility issues. Compared to GCC 9.1, GCC 9.2 has 69 fixes, mostly related to regression changes. Let us recall that starting with the GCC 5.x branch, the project introduced a new release numbering scheme: version x.0 […]

Chrome 77 and Firefox 70 will no longer mark certificates with extended verification

Google has decided to abandon the separate marking of EV (Extended Validation) certificates in Chrome. If previously for sites with similar certificates the name of the company verified by the certification authority was displayed in the address bar, now for these sites the same secure connection indicator will be displayed as for certificates with domain access verification. Starting with Chrome […]

Ubuntu 19.10 introduces experimental ZFS support for root partition

Canonical announced that in Ubuntu 19.10 it will be possible to install the distribution using the ZFS file system on the root partition. The implementation is based on the use of the ZFS on Linux project, supplied as a module for the Linux kernel, which, starting with Ubuntu 16.04, is included in the standard package with the kernel. Ubuntu 19.10 will update ZFS support to […]

Firefox 70 plans to change the display of HTTPS and HTTP in the address bar

Firefox 70, scheduled for release on October 22, revises how HTTPS and HTTP protocols are displayed in the address bar. Pages opened over HTTP will have an insecure connection icon, which will also be displayed for HTTPS in case of problems with certificates. The link for http will be displayed without specifying the “http://” protocol, but for HTTPS the protocol will be displayed for now. IN […]

Found a way to turn devices into "sonic weapons"

Research has shown that many modern gadgets can be hacked and used as “sonic weapons.” Security researcher Matt Wixey from PWC found that a number of user devices can become improvised weapons or irritants. These include laptops, mobile phones, headphones, speaker systems and several types of speakers. The research revealed that many [...]

Chrome OS Release 76

Google has unveiled the release of the Chrome OS 76 operating system, based on the Linux kernel, the upstart system manager, the ebuild/portage assembly tools, open components and the Chrome 76 web browser. The Chrome OS user environment is limited to a web browser, and instead of standard programs, web browsers are used. apps, however, Chrome OS includes a full multi-window interface, desktop, and taskbar. Building Chrome […]