Author: ProHoster

GIMP 2.10.34 graphics editor release

GIMP 2.10.34 has been released. Flatpak packages are available for installation (the snap package is not ready yet). The release mainly includes bug fixes. All feature building efforts are focused on preparing the GIMP 3 branch, which is in pre-release testing. Changes in GIMP 2.10.34 include: Added […]

FFmpeg 6.0 multimedia package release

After six months of development, the FFmpeg 6.0 multimedia package is available, which includes a set of applications and a collection of libraries for operations on various multimedia formats (recording, converting and decoding audio and video formats). The package is distributed under the LGPL and GPL licenses, FFmpeg development is carried out adjacent to the MPlayer project. Of the changes added in FFmpeg 6.0, we can highlight: The ffmpeg build in […]

Release of Bubblewrap 0.8, layers for creating sandboxed environments

A release of the Bubblewrap 0.8 Sandboxing Toolkit is now available, typically used to restrict individual applications to unprivileged users. In practice, Bubblewrap is used by the Flatpak project as a layer to isolate applications launched from packages. The project code is written in C language and distributed under the LGPLv2+ license. For isolation, traditional Linux container virtualization technologies are used, […]

Armbian distribution release 23.02

The Armbian 23.02 Linux distribution has been released, providing a compact system environment for various ARM-based single board computers, including various models of Raspberry Pi, Odroid, Orange Pi, Banana Pi, Helios64, pine64, Nanopi and Cubieboard based on Allwinner, Amlogic, Actionsemi processors , Freescale / NXP, Marvell Armada, Rockchip, Radxa and Samsung Exynos. Debian package databases are used to generate builds […]

Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14 release

A corrective release of the Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14 office suite is available, which offers 27 fixes. Ready packages are prepared for Linux, Windows and macOS. The new release has changed the method of encoding and storing the master password, so users are advised to backup their OpenOffice profile before installing version 4.1.14, as the new profile will break compatibility with previous releases. Among the changes […]

Lomiri (Unity8) custom shell adopted by Debian

The leader of the UBports project, which took over the development of the Ubuntu Touch mobile platform and the Unity 8 desktop after Canonical stepped aside, announced the integration of packages with the Lomiri environment into the “unstable” and “testing” branches of the Debian GNU / Linux distribution (former Unity 8) and the Mir 2 display server. It is noted that the UBports leader constantly uses […]

KDE Plasma user environment moves to Qt 6

The developers of the KDE project announced their intention to migrate the master branch of the KDE Plasma custom shell to the Qt 28 library on February 6. Due to the transfer, some problems and violations of some minor functions may be observed in the master branch for some time. Existing kdesrc-build build environment configurations will be migrated to a Plasma/5.27 branch build that uses Qt5 ("branch-group kf5-qt5" in […]

Release of the Gogs 0.13 collaborative development system

Two and a half years after the formation of the 0.12 branch, a significant new release of Gogs 0.13, a system for collaborating with Git repositories, allows you to deploy a service reminiscent of GitHub, Bitbucket and Gitlab on your own hardware or in cloud environments. The project code is written in Go and is licensed under the MIT license. To form the interface, a web-framework is used [...]

Release of EasyOS 5.0, the original distribution from the creator of Puppy Linux

Barry Kauler, founder of the Puppy Linux project, has published an experimental EasyOS 5.0 distribution that combines Puppy Linux technologies with containerized isolation to run system components. The distribution kit is managed through a set of graphical configurators developed by the project. The size of the boot image is 825 MB. In the new release, the versions of the applications have been updated. Almost all packages are rebuilt from source using project metadata […]

For Debian 12, a separate repository with firmware has been launched

The Debian developers have announced that they are testing a new non-free-firmware repository, in which firmware packages have been moved from the non-free repository. The second alpha release of the Debian 12 "Bookworm" installer provides the ability to dynamically request firmware packages from a non-free-firmware repository. The presence of a separate repository with firmware allows you to provide access to the firmware without including a common non-free repository in the installation media. In accordance with […]

Linux From Scratch 11.3 and Beyond Linux From Scratch 11.3 published

New editions of the Linux From Scratch 11.3 (LFS) and Beyond Linux From Scratch 11.3 (BLFS) manuals, as well as the LFS and BLFS editions with the systemd system manager, have been introduced. Linux From Scratch provides instructions for building a basic Linux system from scratch using only the source code for the required software. Beyond Linux From Scratch augments LFS instructions with assembly information […]

Microsoft unveils CHERIoT, a hardware solution to improve the security of C code

Microsoft has opened developments related to the CHERIoT (Capability Hardware Extension to RISC-V for Internet of Things) project, aimed at blocking security problems in existing C and C++ code. CHERIoT offers a solution to protect existing C/C++ codebases without having to refactor them. Protection is implemented through the use of a modified compiler that uses a special extended […]