Author: ProHoster

PowerDNS Recursor 4.6.0 Caching DNS Server Release

A release of the caching DNS server PowerDNS Recursor 4.6 is available, which is responsible for recursive name resolution. PowerDNS Recursor is built on the same code base as PowerDNS Authoritative Server, but PowerDNS recursive and authoritative DNS servers are developed through different development cycles and are released as separate products. The project code is distributed under the GPLv2 license. The server provides tools for remote statistics collection, supports […]

Release of the GNU libmicrohttpd 0.9.74 library

The GNU Project has published the release of libmicrohttpd 0.9.74, which provides a simple API for embedding HTTP server functionality into applications. The library supports HTTP 1.1 protocol, TLS, incremental processing of POST requests, basic and digest authentication, IPv6, SHOUTcast and various connection multiplexing methods (select, poll, pthread, thread pool). Supported platforms include GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Android, macOS, Win32, Symbian and z/OS. The library is distributed […]

GNU Projects Adopt Jitter Language Virtual Machine Generator

The Jitter toolkit has officially come under the wing of the GNU Project and will now be developed under the name GNU Jitter using the GNU infrastructure and in accordance with the requirements of this project. Jitter allows you to generate portable and very fast virtual machines for arbitrary programming language designs, the code execution performance of which is significantly faster than interpreters and is close to native compiled code. […]

Release of distributions of Alt Server, Alt Workstation and Alt Education 10.0

Three new products were released based on the Tenth ALT platform (p10 Aronia): “Alt Workstation 10”, “Alt Server 10”, “Alt Education 10”. The Products are provided under a License Agreement that allows for free use by individuals, but legal entities are only allowed to test and use requires a commercial license or a written license agreement […]

Release of cache-bench 0.2.0 to investigate the effectiveness of file caching

7 months after the previous release, cache-bench 0.2.0 was released. Cache-bench is a Python script that allows you to evaluate the impact of virtual memory settings (vm.swappiness, vm.watermark_scale_factor, Multigenerational LRU Framework and others) on the performance of tasks that depend on caching file read operations, especially in low memory conditions. The code is open under CC0 license. The script code in version 0.2.0 is almost entirely [...]

Release of Mongoose OS 2.20, platforms for IoT devices

A release of the Mongoose OS 2.20.0 project is available, offering a framework for developing firmware for Internet of Things (IoT) devices implemented on the basis of ESP32, ESP8266, CC3220, CC3200, STM32F4, STM32L4 and STM32F7 microcontrollers. There is built-in support for integration with AWS IoT, Google IoT Core, Microsoft Azure, Samsung Artik, Adafruit IO platforms, as well as with any MQTT servers. Project code written in […]

Another vulnerability in Log4j 2. Issues in Log4j affect 8% of Maven packages

Another vulnerability has been identified in the Log4j 2 library (CVE-2021-45105), which, unlike the previous two problems, is classified as dangerous, but not critical. The new issue allows you to cause a denial of service and manifests itself in the form of loops and crashes when processing certain lines. The vulnerability was fixed in the Log4j 2.17 release released a few hours ago. The danger of vulnerability is mitigated […]

Debian 11.2 update

The second corrective update of the Debian 11 distribution has been published, which includes accumulated package updates and fixes bugs in the installer. The release includes 64 updates to fix stability issues and 30 updates to fix vulnerabilities. Among the changes in Debian 11.2, we can note the update to the latest stable versions of the containerd, golang (1.15) and python-django packages. libseccomp has added support […]

Ubuntu 22.04 theme changed to orange color

Ubuntu's Yaru theme has been updated to change from eggplant to orange for all buttons, sliders, widgets, and switches. A similar replacement was made in the set of pictograms. The color of the active window close button has been changed from orange to gray, and the color of the slider handles has been changed from light gray to white. If the change is not undone, the updated […]

Debian offers fnt font manager

The Debian testing package base, on the basis of which the Debian 12 “Bookworm” release will be formed, includes the fnt package with the implementation of a font manager that solves the problem of installing additional fonts and keeping existing fonts up to date. In addition to Linux, the program can also be used in FreeBSD (a port was recently added) and macOS. The code is written in Shell and distributed […]

TikTok Live Studio reveals borrowing of OBS code violating GPL license

As a result of the decompilation of the TikTok Live Studio application, which was recently proposed for testing by video hosting TikTok, facts were revealed that the code of the free OBS Studio project was borrowed without complying with the requirements of the GPLv2 license, which prescribe the distribution of derivative projects under the same conditions. TikTok did not comply with these conditions and began distributing the test version only in the form of ready-made assemblies, without providing access to […]

Release youtube-dl 2021.12.17

After six months of development, the release of the youtube-dl utility 2021.12.17 has been published, providing a command line interface for downloading sound and video from YouTube and many other sites and online services, including VK, YandexVideo, RUTV, Rutube, PeerTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Twitter and Steam. The project code is written in Python and is distributed in the public domain. Among the changes we can note: Templates have been updated [...]