Author: ProHoster

Aya library for creating eBPF handlers in Rust introduced

The first release of the Aya library is presented, which allows you to create eBPF handlers in Rust that run inside the Linux kernel in a special virtual machine with JIT. Unlike other tools for developing eBPF programs, Aya does not use libbpf and the bcc compiler, but provides its own implementation written in Rust, which uses the libc crate package to access kernel system calls directly. […]

Glibc developers are considering ending the transfer of rights to the code to the Free Software Foundation

Key developers of the GNU C Library (glibc) have put forward a proposal to end the mandatory transfer of ownership of the code to the Free Software Foundation. Similar to the changes in the GCC project, Glibc proposes to make signing a CLA agreement with the Open Source Foundation optional and provide developers with the opportunity to confirm the right to contribute code to the project using the Developer […]

Release of the minimalist distribution kit Alpine Linux 3.14

Alpine Linux 3.14 has been released, a minimalistic distribution based on the Musl system library and the BusyBox utility set. The distribution is distinguished by increased security requirements and is built with SSP (Stack Smashing Protection) protection. OpenRC is used as an initialization system, and its own apk package manager is used for package management. Alpine is used to build official Docker container images. Boot […]

Debian's Cinnamon maintainer switched to using KDE

Norbert Preining has announced that he will no longer be responsible for packaging new versions of the Cinnamon desktop for Debian as he has stopped using Cinnamon on his system and switched to KDE. Since Norbert no longer uses Cinnamon full-time, he is unable to provide quality real-world testing of packages […]

SME Server 10.0 Linux Server Distribution Available

Presented is the release of the Linux server distribution SME Server 10.0, built on the CentOS package base and intended for use in the server infrastructure of small and medium-sized businesses. A special feature of the distribution is that it contains pre-configured standard components that are completely ready for use and can be configured via a web interface. Among such components are a mail server with spam filtering, a web server, a print server, a file […]

Release of the GNU nano 5.8 text editor

The console text editor GNU nano 5.8 has been released, offered as the default editor in many user distributions whose developers find vim too difficult to master. In the new release, After searching, the highlighting turns off after 1,5 seconds (0,8 seconds when specifying -quick) to avoid the appearance that text is selected. The “+” sign and space before [...]

Google has opened a toolkit for full homomorphic encryption

Google has published an open set of libraries and utilities that implement a full homomorphic encryption system that allows you to process data in encrypted form that does not appear in open form at any stage of the calculation. The toolkit makes it possible to create programs for confidential computing that can work with data without decryption, including performing mathematical and simple string operations […]

Second release candidate for the Debian 11 "Bullseye" installer

The second release candidate for the installer for the next major Debian release, “Bullseye,” has been published. Currently, there are 155 critical errors blocking the release (a month ago there were 185, two months ago - 240, four months ago - 472, at the time of freezing in Debian 10 - 316, Debian 9 - 275, Debian 8 - 350, Debian 7 - 650). […]

Release of new stable branch Tor 0.4.6

The release of the Tor toolkit, used to organize the operation of the anonymous Tor network, has been presented. Tor version is recognized as the first stable release of the 0.4.6 branch, which has been in development for the past five months. The 0.4.6 branch will be maintained as part of the regular maintenance cycle - updates will be discontinued after 9 months or 3 months after the release of the 0.4.7.x branch. Long Cycle Support (LTS) […]

Release of rqlite 6.0, a distributed fault-tolerant DBMS based on SQLite

The release of the distributed DBMS rqlite 6.0 is presented, which uses SQLite as a storage engine and allows you to organize the work of a cluster of synchronized storages. One of the features of rqlite is the ease of installation, deployment and maintenance of a distributed fault-tolerant storage, somewhat similar to etcd and Consul, but using a relational data model instead of a key/value format. The project code is written in [...]

Alpha testing of PHP 8.1 has begun

The first alpha release of the new branch of the PHP 8.1 programming language has been presented. The release is scheduled for November 25. The main innovations already available for testing or planned for implementation in PHP 8.1: Added support for enumerations, for example, you can now use the following constructs: enum Status { case Pending; case Active; case Archived; } class Post { public function __construct( private Status $status […]

Release of multiplayer RPG game Veloren 0.10

The release of the computer role-playing game Veloren 0.10, written in the Rust language and using voxel graphics, was released. The project is developing under the influence of such games as Cube World, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft. Binary assemblies are generated for Linux, macOS and Windows. The code is provided under the GPLv3 license. The project is still in early […]