Author: ProHoster

EFF Outraged by HP's Decision to Remotely Block Printers for Non-Paying Free Ink for Life Service

The human rights organization Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) released an incriminating article about the activities of Hewlett-Packard. In November 2020, it became known that HP had changed its line of tariff plans and removed the free option to print 15 pages per month using the Instant Ink program. Now, if the user does not pay $0.99 per month, then his mechanically sound and refilled […]

.NET 5 release

Microsoft has released .NET 5 for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. .NET 5 is a single open source platform that combines .NET Core, .NET Framework, Xamarin and Mono, allowing the use of a single code base for solutions for all platforms, including Android and iOS. significantly improved performance and reduced memory consumption C# 9 and F# 5 new libraries code output […]

The Mutt 2.0

“All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less." updated to version 2.0. Such a radical increase in the number in its older part is caused not by the emergence of new features (there are not so many of them compared to previous releases), but by the introduction of a number of changes that violate backward compatibility: when using the command to view and select multiple attachments, exit after […]

R.I.P. Bill Morrow

On November 2, Bill Morrow (WP Morrow) aka Good Guy, developer of the free video editor Cinelerra-GG, died in a car accident. Bill was 66 years old. Source:

Release of QVGE 0.6.1 (integration with GraphViz) Состоялся очередной релиз мультиплатформенного визуального редактора графов Qt Visual Graph Editor 0.6.1. Данная версия отличается более тесной интеграцией с пакетом GraphViz, в частности: графы в формате DOT загружаются непосредсвенно через dot, что позволяет намного качественнее выполнять их парсинг; вызов GraphViz layout engines непосредсвенно из графического интерфейса приложения, с мгновенным просмотром результатов. Также из приложения […]

APKIT asked the Deputy Prime Minister to postpone the entry into force of the law on mandatory pre-installation of domestic software

The Association of Computer and Information Technology Enterprises (APKIT) asked Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko to postpone indefinitely the entry into force of the law on the mandatory pre-installation of domestic software on smartphones, computers and Smart TVs. There are less than two months left before the law comes into force, but officials still have not explained what software and in what order to install on devices […]

FontForge 20th Anniversary Edition

On November 7, 2020, the free font editor FontForge was released, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the project, originally called PfaEdit. The author of the project is George W. Williams, who until 2012 was the main (and almost the only) developer. Binary packages of the FontForge 20th Anniversary Edition (aka FontForge 20201107) release come with a special splash screen in honor of the anniversary. The most significant change […]

Release of KDE Plasma 5.20 and KDE Applications 20.08.3

A new version of the KDE Plasma 5.20 graphical environment and an update to KDE Applications 20.08.3 have been released. This major release included improvements to dozens of components, widgets, and desktop behavior. Many everyday programs and tools, such as panels, task manager, notifications and system settings, have been redesigned and become more convenient, efficient and friendly. The developers continue to work on adapting [...]

Neochat - Official KDE Matrix Client

Neochat, the official KDE client for the Matrix network, has been released. Neochat is a fork of the Spectral client. The user interface has been completely rewritten using the cross-platform Kirigami framework. The client supports Windows, Linux and Android systems. Repository on GitLab (current). Repository on GitHub (inactive). I couldn't find any current screenshots of the new interface on Kirigami. Once upon a time, development was carried out on GitHub, there are screenshots of the old client […]

GIMP 2.99.2

The first unstable version of the GTK3-based GIMP graphics editor has been released. Main changes: GTK3 based interface with built-in support for Wayland and high-density displays (HiDPI). Support for hot plugging of graphics tablets: plug in your Wacom and continue working, no restart necessary. Multi-select layers: you can move, group, add masks, apply color marks, etc. Large-scale refactoring […]

KDE is getting a new system monitor

A completely updated version of the system monitor will be coming to KDE soon. The interface is built on the Kirigami framework, which means it is initially adapted for both desktop and mobile devices. In addition to even greater detail and the amount of useful information, the user will be able to customize the display of the necessary information in the dashboard. Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Source: