Author: ProHoster

Release of the programming language Haxe 4.1

A release of the Haxe 4.1 toolkit is available, including the multi-paradigm high-level programming language of the same name with strong typing, a cross-compiler and a standard library of functions. The project supports translation to C++, HashLink/C, JavaScript, C#, Java, PHP, Python and Lua, as well as compilation to JVM, HashLink/JIT, Flash and Neko bytecode, with access to the native capabilities of each target platform. The compiler code is distributed under the license [...]


Tor is the first stable release in the 0.4.3.x series. This series adds: Possibility of assembly without support for repeater mode. OnionBalance support for V3 onion services, Significant improvements to the functionality of the tor controller. According to the current support policy, each stable series is supported for nine months, or for three months from the release of the next one (whichever is longer). So, the new series will […]

Data compression in Apache Ignite. Sber experience

When working with large amounts of data, the problem of lack of disk space can sometimes become acute. One solution to this problem is compression, which allows you to afford more storage on the same hardware. In this article, we will look at how data compression works in Apache Ignite. The article will describe only those implemented inside the product […]

Games for money: the experience of deploying the PlaykeyPro service

Many owners of home computers and computer clubs jumped at the opportunity to make money on existing equipment in the PlaykeyPro decentralized network, while faced with a brief deployment instruction, which for the majority caused problems during startup and operation, sometimes even insurmountable. Now the decentralized gaming network project is at the stage of open testing, the developers are overwhelmed with questions about launching […]

The Wonderful 101: Remastered runs worst on Switch and suffers from issues on PC

Action-adventure game The Wonderful 101: Remastered appears to be running poorly on Nintendo Switch. Digital Foundry published testing of the game, which provided information about its performance on various platforms. According to Digital Foundry, The Wonderful performs worst on Nintendo Switch (the game will also be released on PC and PlayStation 4). This version plays in 1080p […]

The final stage of CBT action RPG Genshin Impact will be available on PS4 with crossplay support

Studio miHoYo announced that the shareware anime action role-playing game Genshin Impact will enter the final closed beta stage in the third quarter of 2020. In addition, PlayStation 4 has been added to the list of platforms being tested, and the project will support cross-platform cooperative play. According to Genshin Impact producer Hugh Tsai, the studio plans to make some changes and optimizations to the final […]

Windows 10 May 2020 Update Confirms Fall OS Update Won't Be Massive

Microsoft is expected to begin distributing Windows 10 May 2020 Update (20H1) between May 26 and May 28. The second major update to the software platform should be released in the fall. Not much is known about Windows 10 20H2 (version 2009), but online sources say that the update will not bring any new features and will mainly focus on improving […]

AMD makes Radeon Rays 4.0 ray tracing technology open

We already told you that AMD, following the relaunch of its GPUOpen program with new tools and an expanded FidelityFX package, also released a new version of the AMD ProRender renderer, including an updated Radeon Rays 4.0 ray tracing acceleration library (formerly known as FireRays). Previously, Radeon Rays could only run via OpenCL on a CPU or GPU, which was a pretty serious limitation. […]

Firefox 84 scheduled to remove code to support Adobe Flash

Mozilla plans to remove support for Adobe Flash in the release of Firefox 84, expected this December. Additionally, it is noted that Flash may also be disabled earlier for certain categories of users participating in the test enablement of Fission's strict page isolation mode (a modernized multi-process architecture that involves segregation of isolated processes not based on tabs, but separated by […]

Release of DXVK 1.7, Direct3D 9/10/11 implementations on top of the Vulkan API

The DXVK 1.7 layer has been released, providing an implementation of DXGI (DirectX Graphics Infrastructure), Direct3D 9, 10 and 11, working through the translation of calls to the Vulkan API. DXVK requires drivers that support the Vulkan API 1.1, such as AMD RADV 19.2, NVIDIA 415.22, Intel ANV 19.0, and AMDVLK. DXVK can be used to run 3D applications and games […]