The Microsoft Edge browser is positioned to be cross-platform and will support Linux

In addition to previously published unofficial information about porting the Microsoft Edge browser to Linux, at the Ignite 2019 conference, Microsoft representatives gave a report on the state of browser development confirmed (8:34 on video) the decision to release a build for Linux. The date of formation of the Linux version has not yet been announced; it is only indicated that Microsoft Edge is initially positioned as cross-platform and, in addition to Windows, already available test builds for macOS, Android and iOS, and a version for Linux will be prepared in the future. First stable release of Microsoft Edge is planned on 15 January.

The Microsoft Edge browser is positioned to be cross-platform and will support Linux

Recall that last year Microsoft start development of a new edition of the Edge browser, translated to the Chromium engine. Working on a new Microsoft browser joined to the Chromium development community and began to return improvements and fixes being made for Edge to the project. For example, improvements related to technologies for people with disabilities, touch screen control, support for the ARM64 architecture, improved scrolling convenience, and multimedia data processing have already been transferred. In addition, Web RTC is adapted for the Universal Windows Platform (UWP). Optimization and refinement of the D3D11 backend for ANGLE, layers for translating OpenGL ES calls to OpenGL, Direct3D 9/11, Desktop GL, and Vulkan. Opened code of the WebGL engine developed by Microsoft.


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