Start in Data Science course: the first step in working with data

We are launching a new course for beginners - "Start in Data Science". For only 990 rubles, you will immerse yourself in Data Science: learn about specializations, choose a profession and upgrade your skills in working with data. 

Data Science is the science of data and its analysis. Many people think that it is very difficult to enter the sphere: it is tedious, long and you need a physical education. But this is not so - everyone can find a profession to their liking or upgrade individual skills in working with data.

Well "Start in Data ScienceΒ» is designed for those who want to get a sought-after and highly paid profession, but do not know which direction to choose, where to study and how to advance in the field. In addition, it is suitable for anyone who comes into contact with Big Data, machine learning, data analytics or is simply interested in this topic.


  • what is Data Science;
  • what directions and professions exist;
  • life hacks for cell formatting and calculations without formulas;
  • how to hide important information;
  • techniques for substituting data from one table to another;
  • what are the Python libraries for data analysis;
  • where and what SQL is used for, what tasks it can solve and what analytical functions it has.


  • build beautiful interactive reports in Power BI without programming;
  • apply data-driven thinking at work;
  • manage Big Data: collect, store, evaluate quality, protect, scale and transform;
  • write simple code. 


Elena Gerasimova, Head of Data Science Programs at Netology.

Daria Mukhina, Product Analyst at Skyeng. 

Alexey Chernobrovov, development consultant at, Mazda, Skyeng.

Pavel Kozlov, Microsoft's CIE project trainer.

Dmitry Yakushev, trainer and course developer at Excel Academy.

Alexey Kuzmin, director of development at DomClick. 


Course price: only 990 rubles. If you continue your studies in Netology, then the amount is counted as a discount when purchasing other Data Science courses.


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