New GNOME Foundation Executive Director Appointed

The GNOME Foundation, which oversees the development of the GNOME user environment, announced the appointment of Holly Million to the post of executive director, which had been vacant since August last year after the departure of Neil McGovern. The Executive Director is responsible for the management and development of the GNOME Foundation as an organization, as well as for interaction with the Board of Directors, Advisory Board and members of the organization.

Holly Million has extensive experience in nonprofit management and is a diverse and passionate individual who has distinguished herself as a documentary producer, writer, shaman, herbalist, artist, and educator. Holly has gone from consultant to a non-profit organization to director of development, board member of various organizations, executive director of the BioBricks Foundation, developing open projects in the field of biotechnologies, and founder of Artists United, connecting artists and art lovers, promoting the idea that through Learning to appreciate art can solve many social problems.

In addition, Holly is the founder of the SAI Institute of Shamanic Arts (Shamanic Arts Institute), which trains shamans and holds conferences on the topic of shamanism. Holly has also distinguished herself as a fundraiser for various projects, such as securing funding for the documentary A Story of Healing, which became the first ever Creative Commons-licensed film to win an Academy Award (best short documentary in 1998).

New GNOME Foundation Executive Director Appointed


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