Halo co-creator doesn't want to repeat Bungie's mistakes in his new studio - no long rework

V1 Interactive president and co-creator of the Halo series, Marcus Lehto, emphasized that unlike his previous job, there are no long processing times in his studio. Long periods of staying home late was one of the reasons why he left Bungie before release. Destiny, and he doesn't want his team to overwork and burn out.

Halo co-creator doesn't want to repeat Bungie's mistakes in his new studio - no long rework

Chatting with GameSpot ahead of launch technical beta Disintegration (scheduled for next week), Leto discussed Bungie's rework.

β€œOne of the reasons I left Bungie - and I know it's also one of the reasons people from the industry came to us in V1 - is because many of us saw the bad side of long periods of crisis. , which went on for months… […] We don’t want to experience it anymore, we don’t want to repeat it at all [in V1 Interactive],” he said.

However, Leto acknowledged that at V1 Interactive, the team worked overtime at important stages of development, but only "a week or so".

In 2017, Bungie Head of Engineering Luke Timmins рассказалthat the 18 months of crisis rework leading up to the release of Halo 2 "nearly killed Bungie as a company". Last year, the studio delayed the Destiny 2 update in order to "keep the work-life balance" of the team just months before the launch of the Shadowkeep expansion.

Overtime has been a growing concern in the industry in recent years. After carry the release of Cyberpunk 2077 in the fall, CD Projekt RED revealed that the team have to to process all these months in order to be in time for the announced time.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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