Microsoft Edge Chromium adds the ability to open websites in legacy Edge compatibility mode

Microsoft recently released release version Edge browser based on Chromium. Also a corporation said Olga,As save both browsers - old and new - in parallel mode on a PC. However, if someone has not done this, then there is still an alternative.

Microsoft Edge Chromium adds the ability to open websites in legacy Edge compatibility mode

Microsoft has added Classic Edge Compatibility Mode in addition to the IE 11 Compatibility Mode that the new web browser already has. It is noted that the innovation will be in demand by corporate clients who have to work on different sites and in different operating systems.

This feature is currently available as part of an update on the Canary and Dev channels. As expected, in the future it will appear in the release version. Compatibility mode is disabled by default, but it can be enabled.

Here's how:

  • Launch Microsoft Edge Chromium and type edge://flags in the address bar.
  • In the list of flags, select Enable IE Integration, then - IE Mode.
  • Restart the browser to apply the changes and close it.
  • In the context menu of the shortcut, select properties and add the following insert to the end of the "Object" line: --ie-mode-test. The resulting line will look something like this: "C:Program Files (x86)MicrosoftEdge DevApplicationmsedge.exe" --ie-mode-test
  • After that, you need to launch the browser, open the menu, go to the "Additional tools" section and find the item "Open the site in Edge mode" there.

So the company is bringing support for all of its legacy browsers to the new product.


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