Väterchen Frost or six sign for Habr

Väterchen Frost or six sign for Habr

In one dank and snowless December, somewhere far from Spartakovsky Lane, one Russian, but how would the German Grandfather Frost think, why not go visit to check the strength of international ties?

After all, the end of the year is the best time to send unexpected news and check the accuracy of addresses!

1. We jump into the "basement" of the desktop version of Habr, we find "About the site".

Väterchen Frost or six sign for Habr

2. We get the page in the screenshot below:

Väterchen Frost or six sign for Habr

By the way, despite the fact that on the phone the page of Habr's article was opened in the desktop version, the section "About the site" seems to have jumped back to the mobile version again ... Or is this the layout?

3. We think, but what should be written in the "Recipient" line? After all, Habr is one of the trademarks.

4. We jump back to the page of the article, scroll down again to the "basement" - and still pay attention to the official:

Väterchen Frost or six sign for Habr

That is, probably, after all, the recipient should be “TM” - after all, who knows how digitalized and immersed in the knowledge of the Internet Moscow postmen?

5. “But what about the index?!” the attentive reader will ask. And it turns out to be right - we still don’t have an index, but we really need it ...

6. With timid hope, we jump to the office. site tmtm.ru…

7. Scroll to the war "basement".

Väterchen Frost or six sign for Habr

8. Here it is, the desired six-digit!

105082 — and the address converges! (I take this opportunity to say hello to all seasoned Santa Clauses! : )

9. Shivering a little from the freshness of the creeping mountain shadow, we fill in the address in the postcard - and throw it into the mailbox with the hope that on Friday 27.12, the German postmen, exhausted from the long weekend, will still find the strength to empty the mailbox and send the postcard on the way to be in time for New Year ...

Väterchen Frost or six sign for Habr

PS And just at home, making a screenshot for this text, we notice a modest Habr LLC on the tmtm.ru page.

How is that?!

Exactly - Habr LLC!

baragol - you there, by any chance, do not deal with sepules? :)))

You might be asking, what is the moral?

And there will be no morality.

There is a quiet, almost gentle reminder to developers, analysts and other hard-core IT people that in our age of high technology, you can still send real news, so pleasing to the eye and tactile apparatus. You just need to remember to write a warm lamp address somewhere.

For if it suddenly turns out that there is no index, then how can you please the young Tyson?!

Source: habr.com

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