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Habr's Karmic Curse

Unforeseen consequences “Habr’s karma system and its impact on users” is a topic for a coursework at a minimum The topic about karma on “Pikabu” I could start this article with the fact that I have been reading Habr for a long time, but this would not be an entirely accurate statement. The correct thesis would sound like this: “I’ve been reading articles from Habr for a long time” - but […]

Web server on CentOS 8 with php7, node.js and redis

Preface It's been 2 days since the release of a new version of the CentOS operating system, namely CentOS 8. And so far there are quite a few articles on the Internet on how things are done in it, so I decided to fill this gap. Moreover, I will tell you not only about how to install this pair of programs, but also about […]

Intel again fails to meet demand for 14nm products

The market has been suffering from shortages of 14nm Intel processors since the middle of last year. The company made enormous efforts to correct the current situation, investing an additional $1 billion in expanding production using a far from modern technological process, but if this helped, it did not completely. As reported by Digitimes, Intel's Asian customers are again complaining about the inability to purchase […]

About increasing the comfort of living on Habré - another possible recipe

In addition to the hottest article on Habr - Habr's Karmic Curse, and I would like a review of Habr. At first I wanted to add a comment, but still there is not enough comment to describe the situation and details. As a result, a short note was born. Maybe someone will be interested. Let me offer one more recipe - to increase the level of comfortable living on Habré, just run the tool […]

IPv4 addresses in RIPE have run out. Completely over...

Okay, not really. It was a dirty little clickbait. But at the RIPE NCC Days conference, held on September 24-25 in Kyiv, it was announced that the distribution of /22 subnets to new LIRs will soon end. The problem of exhaustion of the IPv4 address space has been talked about for a long time. It has been about 7 years since the last /8 blocks were allocated to regional registries. Despite […]

Sales of six-core Ryzen 5 3500X and Ryzen 5 3500 start in October

AMD is actively preparing to launch a pair of new six-core desktop processors built on the Zen 2 microarchitecture: Ryzen 5 3500X and Ryzen 5 3500. These processors will strengthen the company's position in the mid-price segment and become a good alternative to the lower-priced Intel Core i5 in recent weeks has dropped to the level of $140 (about 10 […]

The court allowed non-certified equipment for the "Yarovaya package"

The Arbitration Court of the Krasnodar Territory refused to challenge the Internet provider from Yeysk, Firma Svyaz LLC, to challenge the order of the Roskomnadzor administration for the Southern Federal District to eliminate violations, it follows from the court file. As the department has established, the plaintiff does not comply with the requirements for the introduction of technical means of operational investigative measures (SORM), the court’s ruling states. The Law “On Communications” directly prohibits the installation of uncertified equipment, insists Sergei […]

"A conference for people and to solve their requests": DevOpsDays program committee about what a community conference is

The third Moscow DevOpsDays will be held on December 7 at Technopolis. We are waiting for developers, team leads, and heads of development departments to discuss their experience and what’s new in the world of DevOps. This is not yet another conference about DevOps, it is a conference organized by the community for the community. In this post, members of the program committee explained how DevOpsDays Moscow differs from other conferences, what a community conference is […]

Release of CentOS Linux 8 and CentOS Stream 8

Today is a big news day for the CentOS project. Firstly, as promised, CentOS Linux 8 was released, build 8.0.1905. Release Notes: https://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS8.1905 Download link: https://mirror.yandex.ru/centos/8/ The release is a rebuild of the RHEL 8.0 release released in May of this year. Among the significant changes, we should mention AppStreams - the enterprise version of the Fedora Modularity concept. The essence of the approach is to ensure the simultaneous availability of different versions of the same […]

Registering your IT business in Singapore: what should I do?

Hello colleagues! My previous material was criticized based on two criteria: incorrect authorship of the quote and an error related to the selection of the picture. Therefore, I decided, firstly, to have an educational conversation with the photojournalist. And secondly, to carefully check the statements used and, importantly, change them slightly if necessary, so that I would not be accused of not knowing English. That is why the initially planned [...]

nginx 1.17.4

Version 1.17.4 has been released in the nginx mainline branch. Changes were made mainly to the implementation of the HTTP/2 protocol Change: detection of incorrect client behavior in HTTP/2 has been improved. Change: in handling unread request body when returning errors in HTTP/2. Bugfix: The worker_shutdown_timeout directive might not work when using HTTP/2. Fix: When using HTTP/2 and the proxy_request_buffering directive, segmentation could occur in a worker process […]