Author: ProHoster

How not to get into a US university

Hello! In view of the recent growing interest in education abroad, and specifically in higher education in the USA, I would like to share my experience of applying for a bachelor’s degree to several American universities. Since I did not achieve the goal I set for myself, I will tell you from the dark side of the issue - an analysis of the mistakes that an applicant can make and how to […]

Vulnerability that allows wedging into TCP connections made through VPN tunnels

An attack technique (CVE-2019-14899) has been published that allows packets to be spoofed, modified, or substituted in TCP connections forwarded through VPN tunnels. The problem affects Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Android, macOS, iOS and other Unix-like systems. Linux supports the rp_filter (reverse path filtering) mechanism for IPv4, turning it on in “Strict” mode neutralizes this problem. The method allows for packet substitution at the level of TCP connections passing inside an encrypted […]

Release of Proxmox VE 6.1, a distribution kit for organizing the work of virtual servers

Proxmox Virtual Environment 6.1 was released, a specialized Linux distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux, aimed at deploying and maintaining virtual servers using LXC and KVM and capable of replacing products such as VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V and Citrix XenServer . The size of the installation iso image is 776 MB. Proxmox VE provides the tools to deploy a complete virtualization […]

W3C makes WebAssembly a recommended standard

The W3C has announced that WebAssembly has become a recommended standard. WebAssembly provides browser-independent, universal, low-level intermediate code for running applications compiled from various programming languages. WebAssembly is positioned as a more promising and cross-browser portable technology for creating high-performance web applications. WebAssembly can be used to solve problems that require high performance, such as video encoding, audio processing, […]

Video: Death Stranding fan skillfully portrayed the game in 8-bit style

The action-adventure Death Stranding, released by Kojima Productions, is one of the most controversial games of recent years, and the waters are still swirling. Many gamers loved the project so much that they decided to dedicate so-called fan demakes to it (that is, they deliberately “aged” a modern game using various retro solutions). One of them belongs to the user Fabricio Lima, who […]

Rumors: Bethesda will release a collection with all the numbered parts of Doom

A page has appeared on the website of several online stores at once for DOOM: Slayers Collection for PS4 and Xbox One - a collection that includes all the numbered issues of the famous shooter series. Apparently, the set should go on sale before the end of the year, but information about the release date varies: the Czech JRC Gamecentrum and the Indian Games The Shop report […]

“Stupid subtitle” and Reach without Halo: Bungie employees on the names of two games in the series

On December 3, the updated Halo: Reach was released on PC and Xbox One, on the occasion of which several current and former Bungie employees shared memories of the game's development on Twitter under the hashtag #ReachMemory. In it you will find fascinating stories about the creation of the Firefight mode and learn how the famous final mission was almost cut out. One of the most interesting facts [...]

Early version of Dreams will stop selling on December 8

Media Molecule has announced that the sale of the early version of Dreams will soon be discontinued - the promotion will end on December 8 at 2:59 am Moscow time. While the game can be purchased for 1799 rubles. At the same time, no one will take away already purchased Dreams from users. Although the cost of the project will increase towards the release, the owners of the pre-release edition will receive […]

New Phoenix Point Issues: Tactical Game Not Coming to Microsoft Store and Xbox Game Pass Yet

During development, Phoenix Point, a tactical game from X-COM series creator Julian Gollop, became a temporary Epic Games Store exclusive. In this store, it was released on time, December 3, but it still has not appeared in the Microsoft Store (the agreement provides for a one-year delay only on Steam). According to the creators, they encountered unforeseen problems and did not […]

Remedy and 505 Games: Control won't be coming to Xbox Game Pass

Developers from Remedy Entertainment and publisher 505 Games have denied the information that Control will become part of the Xbox Game Pass library. As part of the Mixer Extra Life broadcast, Xbox CEO Phil Spencer said that he was glad to include the project in the service catalog, because the game has not yet received due attention from gamers. The situation was first commented on in […]

Metacritic named the most highly rated and discussed games of the decade

Rating aggregator Metacritic has published a list of the most highly rated games of the decade. The conditions of the chart are as follows: the project must be released from 2010 to 2019 and receive at least 15 reviews. If it was a multi-platform game, the version with the most reviews was taken into account. Thus, the top three were headed by Super Mario Galaxy 2, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Red Dead Redemption […]