Author: ProHoster

Habra detective on the weekend

You know what deja vu is, right? The same “this has already happened somewhere”, but not about the latest film released in the cinema, but about what is happening to you. For example, didn’t it seem to you that you had already seen some article on Habré before? In most cases, there is nothing wrong with this. Technical articles often contain […]

XNUMXth Annual JetBrains Hackathon

Organization This year, JetBrains moved to a new office, and the hackathon had to be postponed a little, but it still happened. The rules were simple: Start on Wednesday, September 18th at noon. The last commit is no later than Friday noon. All presentations must be ready by this time. Presentations start at 20pm on Friday, September XNUMXth. At [...]

Video and other materials from the LVEE-2019 conference

Recordings from LVEE-2019, Linux Vacation Eastern Europe, an international conference traditionally held in the Belarusian forests, have been published. Video recordings and abstracts of reports are available on a variety of topics, including: Rare OS for embedded devices and for specific architectures (Elbrus-Baikal-...), realtime and not so much. Building Linux distributions. File systems and DBMS. Virtualization in all forms, from Xen to K8s. Devops topics, including CI/CD/TDD. […]

Knoppix 8.6.1 release

Klaus Knopper announced the release of KNOPPIX 8.6.1, an updated build of the Debian-based live DVD distribution image with a choice of LXDE (default desktop), KDE Plasma 5.14 and GNOME 3.30 and without the systemd software package, as well as a new version of the Linux kernel 5.3.5 .XNUMX. The new version includes: Updated Linux kernel and system software […]

US Congress vs Zuckerberg: what claims do regulators make to Facebook's Libra stablecoin

In modern realities, almost anyone can launch their own cryptocurrency. There is nothing supernatural about this, and financial regulators rarely pay attention to such events. But, as you know, every rule has its exceptions, and the difficult fate of the cryptocurrency project of the social network Facebook became confirmation of this. Thus, financial regulators around the world were unanimous regarding [...]

Firefox is set to block hidden user authentication methods by default

Nightly builds of Firefox, which will form the basis for the January 7 release of Firefox 72, have browser fingerprinting protection enabled by default. Stealth tracking protection is enabled in the default standard mode of blocking inappropriate content and applies to additional categories in the list, including hosts found to be […]

The brain of the company. Start

A story “on a production topic” about ways to implement AI in a trading company. And what (hypothetically) this could lead to. The full version can be downloaded from Litres (free) *** I was not a natural leader and hated the meetings that other department heads constantly held. I wasn't trying to create hype about the importance of my department. I just recruited guys with whom […]

Over 480 million mobile VPN apps have been downloaded in the last year

According to online sources, more than 12 million mobile VPN applications have been downloaded from digital content stores for Android and iOS platforms over the past 480 months. Compared to the previous similar period, when about 311 million VPN applications were downloaded, there is an increase in the popularity of solutions in this category at the level of 54%. Users of Android devices downloaded 358,3 million […]

Another failure of Google Stadia: low-quality stream and lack of 4K in Red Dead Redemption 2

One of the main stated benefits of a Google Stadia Pro premium subscription is streaming in 4K resolution at 60 frames per second, if the Internet connection allows it. But testing the service showed that at the moment it is not possible to get this opportunity. An analysis of Red Dead Redemption 2 on Google Stadia indicates that the service is currently unable to provide […]

Rumors: Activision may release remakes of the first two parts of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

Insider Sabi, who in the past predicted the announcement of Roller Champions from Ubisoft, hinted in her microblog at a new development by Activision - remakes of the first two parts of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. “About that upcoming Activision remake I mentioned a week or two ago... I really hope you like skateboards,” Sabi intrigued. The insider subsequently clarified that […]

Star Citizen's largest ship, the Anvil Carrack, was unveiled at CitizenCon

At Star Citizen's annual CitizenCon event this year, Cloud Imperium Games revealed the highly anticipated Anvil Carrack, the top of the research tree (currently). Equipped with advanced sensor equipment to find and navigate new jump points, it is expected to be able to spend long periods of time in space. The interior of the Anvil Carrack was shown at the event. The ship has Anvil […]

The popularity of the Valve Index VR Kit increased on Steam last week due to the announcement of Half-Life: Alyx

Valve has shared its traditional sales rankings on Steam over the past week. From November 17 to 23, the leader remained Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, a new product from the studio Respawn Entertainment, which took three places in the previous list thanks to pre-orders and purchases of various editions. And in second position is the Valve Index VR Kit. […]