Author: ProHoster

Fuel monitoring for data center diesel generators - how to do it and why is it so important?

The quality of the power supply system is the most important indicator of the level of service of a modern data center. This is understandable: absolutely all the equipment necessary for the operation of the data center is powered by electricity. Without it, the servers, network, engineering systems and storage systems will stop functioning until the power supply is completely restored. We tell you what role diesel fuel and our system for controlling it […] play in the uninterrupted operation of the Linxdatacenter data center in St. Petersburg.

How we make the All-Russian Online Olympiad in English, Mathematics and Informatics

Everyone knows Skyeng primarily as a tool for learning English: it is our main product that helps thousands of people learn a foreign language without serious sacrifice. But for three years now, part of our team has been developing an online Olympiad for schoolchildren of all age groups. From the very beginning, we were faced with three global issues: technical, that is, the question [...]

Qt 5.12.5 released

Today, September 11, 2019, the popular C++ framework Qt 5.12.5 was released. The fifth patch for Qt 5.12 LTS contains almost 280 fixes. A list of the most important changes can be found here Source:

“There are no art directors younger than 40 in the West. We can become them up to 30.” What is it like to be an IT designer?

All modern design - web, typographic, product, motion design - is interesting because it combines classical concepts of color and composition with concern for user convenience. You also need to be able to draw icons, figure out how to show actions or explain functionality in visual images, and constantly think about users. If you draw a logo or create an identity, you should [...]

KeePass v2.43

KeePass is a password manager that has been updated to version 2.43. What's New: Added tooltips for certain character sets in the password generator. Added the option “Remember password hiding settings in the main window” (Tools → Options → Advanced tab; option enabled by default). Added intermediate password quality level - yellow. When the URL override field in the dialog […]

Release of oomd out-of-memory handler 0.2.0

Facebook has published the second release of oomd, a user-space out-of-memory (OOM, Out Of Memory) handler. The application forcibly terminates processes that consume too much memory in a stage before the Linux kernel OOM handler fires. The oomd code is written in C++ and is licensed under the GPLv2. Ready packages are generated for Fedora Linux. With the features of oomd, you can […]

Mozilla is testing a Private Network proxy service for Firefox

Mozilla has reversed the decision to shut down the Test Pilot program and introduced a new testing functionality - Private Network. Private Network allows you to establish a network connection through an external proxy service provided by Cloudflare. All traffic to the proxy server is transmitted encrypted, which allows the service to be used to provide protection when working on untrustworthy networks […]

DNS over HTTPS is disabled by default in the Firefox port of OpenBSD

Maintainers of the Firefox port for OpenBSD did not support the decision to enable DNS over HTTPS by default in new versions of Firefox. After a short discussion, it was decided to leave the original behavior unchanged. To do this, the network.trr.mode setting is set to '5', which results in DoH being unconditionally disabled. The following arguments are given in favor of such a solution: Applications should adhere to system-wide DNS settings, and […]

Implementation of DDIO in Intel chips allows a network attack to detect keystrokes in an SSH session

A group of researchers from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and ETH Zurich have developed a network attack technique called NetCAT (Network Cache ATtack), which allows, using side-channel data analysis methods, to remotely determine the keys pressed by a user while working in an SSH session. The problem only appears on servers that use RDMA (Remote direct memory access) and DDIO technologies […]

sysvinit 2.96 init system release

Presented is the release of the classic init system sysvinit 2.96, which was widely used in Linux distributions in the days before systemd and upstart, and now continues to be used in distributions such as Devuan and antiX. At the same time, releases of the insserv 1.21.0 and startpar 0.64 utilities used in conjunction with sysvinit were created. The insserv utility is designed to organize the download process, taking into account dependencies between […]

Russia has become the leader in the number of cyber threats to Android

ESET has published the results of a study on the development of cyber threats to mobile devices running the Android operating system. The data presented covers the first half of the current year. Experts analyzed the activities of attackers and popular attack schemes. It is reported that the number of vulnerabilities in Android devices has decreased. In particular, the number of mobile threats decreased by 8% compared to the same period in 2018. At the same time […]

Capcom talks about Project Resistance gameplay

Capcom studio has published a review video of Project Resistance, a multiplayer game based on the Resident Evil universe. The developers talked about the game roles of users and showed the gameplay. Four of the players will take on the role of survivors. They will have to work together to overcome all the challenges. Each of the four characters will be unique - they will have their own skills. Users will have to […]