Author: ProHoster

Warshipping is a cyber-threat that arrives via regular mail.

Cybercriminals' attempts to threaten IT systems are constantly evolving. For example, techniques we've seen this year include injecting malicious code into thousands of e-commerce sites to steal personal data and using LinkedIn to install spyware. What's more, these techniques work: losses from cybercrime reached $2018 billion in 45. […]

Thunderbird 68

A year after the last major release, the Thunderbird 68 email client was released, based on the Firefox 68-ESR code base. Major changes: The main application menu is now in the form of a single panel, with icons and separators [pic]; The settings dialog has been moved to the [pic] tab; Added the ability to assign colors in the window for writing messages and tags, not limited to the standard palette [pic]; Finalized […]

Major update to KDE Konsole

KDE has greatly upgraded the console! One of the most significant changes in KDE Applications 19.08 was the update to the KDE terminal emulator, Konsole. Now it is able to separate tabs (horizontally and vertically) into any number of separate panels that can be freely moved between each other, creating the workspace of your dreams! Of course, we are still far from a full replacement for tmux, but KDE in […]

Funtoo Linux 1.4 release

Long story short, Daniel Robbins presented the next release, welcome, Funtoo Linux 1.4. Features: the meta-repo is based on a Gentoo Linux slice from 21.06.2019/9.2.0/2.32 (with backports of security patches); base system: gcc-2.29, binutils-0.41, glibc-4.19.37, openrc-19.1; debian-sources-lts-430.26; updates in the OpenGL subsystem: libglvnd (an alternative to eselect opengl), mesa-3.32 (vulkan support), nvidia-drivers-5.16; Gnome XNUMX, KDE Plasma XNUMX; as an alternative to manual installation […]

Video: the flag of pirates will fly over the Nintendo Switch with the release of the Assassin's Creed Rebel collection

At the end of May, a re-release of Assassin's Creed III was released on the Nintendo Switch, and more recently, thanks to one of the retailers, information about Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered for the hybrid platform was leaked. During the latest broadcast, publisher Ubisoft confirmed the release of Assassin's Creed Rebel Collection for Switch. This collection includes both […]

VirtualBox 6.0.12 release

Oracle has published a corrective release of the virtualization system VirtualBox 6.0.12, which contains 17 fixes. Major changes in release 6.0.12: In additions for guest systems with Linux, the problem with the inability of an unprivileged user to create files inside shared directories has been resolved; In additions for guest systems with Linux, the compatibility of vboxvideo.ko with the kernel module assembly system has been improved; Build problems fixed […]

systemd system manager release 243

After five months of development, the release of the system manager systemd 243 is presented. Among the innovations, we can note the integration into PID 1 of a low-memory handler in the system, support for attaching your own BPF programs for filtering unit traffic, numerous new options for systemd-networkd, a bandwidth monitoring mode network interfaces, using 64-bit PID numbers instead of 22-bit by default on 16-bit systems, switching to […]

Ikumi Nakamura, who gained popularity thanks to her appearance at E3 2019, will leave Tango Gameworks

At E3 2019, the game GhostWire: Tokyo was announced, and Ikumi Nakamura, creative director of Tango Gameworks, spoke about it from the stage. Her appearance became one of the brightest events of the event, judging by the further reaction on the Internet and the appearance of many memes with the girl. And now it has become known that Ikumi Nakamura will leave the studio. After […]

Critical vulnerability in Exim allowing remote code execution as root

The developers of the Exim mail server notified users that a critical vulnerability (CVE-2019-15846) has been identified that allows a local or remote attacker to execute their code on the server with root rights. There are no publicly available exploits for this problem yet, but the researchers who identified the vulnerability have prepared a preliminary prototype of the exploit. A coordinated release of package updates and […]

LibreOffice 6.3.1 and 6.2.7 update

The Document Foundation has announced the release of LibreOffice 6.3.1, the first maintenance release in the LibreOffice 6.3 “fresh” family. Version 6.3.1 is aimed at enthusiasts, power users and those who prefer the latest versions of software. For conservative users and enterprises, an update to the stabilized branch of LibreOffice 6.2.7 “still” has been prepared. Ready-made installation packages are prepared for Linux, macOS and Windows platforms. […]

Video: shootout in the port and character classes in the announcement of the multiplayer shooter Rogue Company

Hi-Rez Studios, known for Paladins and Smite, announced its next game called Rogue Company at the Nintendo Direct presentation. This is a multiplayer shooter in which users choose a character, join a team and fight against opponents. Judging by the trailer that accompanied the announcement, the action takes place in modern times or the near future. The description reads: “Rogue Company is a secret group of famous […]