Author: ProHoster

Aki Phoenix

How I hate all this. Work, boss, programming, development environment, tasks, the system in which they are recorded, subordinates with their snot, goals, email, the Internet, social networks where everyone is amazingly successful, ostentatious love for the company, slogans, meetings, corridors, toilets , faces, faces, dress code, planning. I hate everything that happens at work. I'm burned out. For a long time. Not really yet […]

How to get everyone married (one-, two- and three-sex marriages) in terms of mathematics and why men always win

In 2012, the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to Lloyd Shapley and Alvin Roth. "For the theory of stable distribution and the practice of organizing markets." Aleksey Savvateev in 2012 tried to simply and clearly explain the essence of the merits of mathematicians. I bring to your attention a summary of the video lecture. Today there will be a theoretical lecture. About Al Roth’s experiments, in particular with donation, I don’t [...]

"Golden section" in the economy - what is it?

A few words about the “golden ratio” in the traditional sense. It is believed that if a segment is divided into parts in such a way that the smaller part is related to the larger one, as the larger part is to the whole segment, then such a division gives a proportion of 1/1,618, which the ancient Greeks, having borrowed it from even more ancient Egyptians, they called it the “golden ratio”. And that many architectural structures […]

KDE Applications Release 19.08

The release of KDE Applications 19.08 is available, which includes a selection of custom applications adapted to work with KDE Frameworks 5. Information about the availability of Live builds with the new release can be found on this page. Key innovations: The Dolphin file manager has implemented and enabled by default the ability to open a new tab in an existing file manager window (instead of opening a new window with a separate […]

Release of the distributed source control system Git 2.23

The release of the distributed source control system Git 2.23.0 has been announced. Git is one of the most popular, reliable and high-performance version control systems, providing flexible non-linear development tools based on branching and merging. To ensure the integrity of history and resistance to retroactive changes, implicit hashing of the entire previous history in each commit is used, and digital authentication is also possible […]

Apache 2.4.41 http server release with vulnerabilities fixed

The release of the Apache HTTP server 2.4.41 has been published (release 2.4.40 was skipped), which introduces 23 changes and eliminates 6 vulnerabilities: CVE-2019-10081 - an issue in mod_http2 that can lead to memory corruption when sending push requests to very early stage. When using the "H2PushResource" setting, it is possible to overwrite memory in the request processing pool, but the problem is limited to a crash because the writes […]

Wine 4.14 release

An experimental release of an open implementation of the Win32 API is available - Wine 4.14. Since the release of version 4.13, 18 bug reports have been closed and 255 changes have been made. The most important changes: The Mono engine has been updated to version 4.9.2, which has eliminated problems when launching DARK and DLC quests; DLLs in PE (Portable Executable) format are no longer tied to […]

Chrome 82 will no longer support FTP

One of the upcoming updates to the Chrome browser will completely lose support for the FTP protocol. This is stated in a special Google document addressed to this topic. However, the “innovations” will come into force only in a year or even later. Correct support for the FTP protocol in the Chrome browser has always been a sore subject for Google developers. One of the reasons for abandoning FTP is […]

Rust programming language 1.37 release

The release of the system programming language Rust 1.37, founded by the Mozilla project, has been published. The language focuses on safe memory management, provides automatic memory management, and provides the means to achieve high job parallelism while avoiding the use of a garbage collector and runtime. Rust's automatic memory management saves the developer from manipulating pointers and protects against issues that arise from […]

Borderlands 3 will tie together many of the series' storylines, but won't be the last installment

Before demonstrating the press version of Borderlands 3, DualShockers spoke with the game's leading writers. Sam Winkler and Danny Homan said that the third part will tell a lot about the world of the franchise and tie together different storylines. However, Borderlands 3 will not be the last work in the series. The authors did not directly state the planned continuation, but quite […]

FAS will fine Google for “inappropriate” contextual advertising of financial services

The Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS Russia) recognized contextual advertising of financial services in the Google AdWords service as violating the requirements of the Advertising Law. The violation was committed during the distribution of advertisements for financial services of the Ali Trade company, which received a complaint from the Federal Public Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Depositors and Shareholders. As reported on the FAS website, during the investigation it became clear that when recruiting […]

AMD Stops Advertising Linux RdRand Support for Bulldozer and Jaguar CPUs

Some time ago, it became known that on computers with AMD Zen 2 processors, the game Destiny 2 may not launch, and the latest Linux distributions may not load. The problem was related to the instruction for generating the random number RdRand. And although the BIOS update solved the problem for the latest “red” chips, the company decided not to take risks and no longer plans […]