Author: ProHoster

Release of Foliate 2.4.0, a free e-book reader

The release includes the following changes: Improved display of meta information; Improved FictionBook rendering; Improved interaction with OPDS. Bugs such as: Incorrect extraction of a unique identifier from EPUB have been fixed; Disappearing application icon in the taskbar; Unset text-to-speech environment variables when using Flatpak; Non-selectable eSpeak NG voice acting when testing the text-to-speech configuration; Incorrect choice of the __ibooks_internal_theme attribute if […]

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Days - 3 Cool Free Webinars

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Days are a great opportunity to take a deep dive into our technologies. Microsoft experts will help you unlock the full potential of the cloud by sharing their knowledge, offering exclusive insights and hands-on labs. Choose the topic you are interested in and reserve your seat on the webinar right now. Please note that part of the webinars is a repetition of past events. If you not […]

"Sim-sim, open!": access to the data center without paper magazines

We tell how we implemented an electronic visit registration system with biometric technologies in the data center: why it was needed, why we again developed our own solution and what advantages we got. Entrance and exit Access of visitors to a commercial data center is an important moment in the organization of the facility. The data center security policy requires accurate tracking of visits and trend tracking. A few years ago we […]

Sentry remote bug monitoring in React front-end applications

We are looking into using Sentry with React. This article is part of a series starting with a Sentry bug report with an example: Part 1. Implementing React First we need to add a new Sentry project for this application; from the Sentry website. In this case, we choose React. We are re-implementing our two buttons, Hello and Error, with React. We […]

Non-silicon power semiconductor market to hit $XNUMX billion next year

According to analyst firm Omdia, the market for power semiconductors based on SiC (silicon carbide) and GaN (gallium nitride) will exceed $2021 billion in 1, driven by demand for electric vehicles, power supplies and photovoltaic converters. This means power supplies and converters will become smaller and lighter, providing longer range for both electric vehicles and electronics. By […]

ASRock Introduces Mini-ITX Motherboards for Intel Comet Lake Systems

Taiwanese company ASRock has expanded the range of available motherboard offerings by introducing two new products based on Intel 400 series chipsets. Both the B460TM-ITX and H410TM-ITX are designed in the Mini-ITX form factor and are designed for use with the new 10th Gen Intel Core processors (Comet Lake) with TDP ratings of up to 65W in compact desktop workspaces. …]

Vulnerability in OpenSSH and PuTTY SSH clients

A vulnerability has been identified in the OpenSSH and PuTTY SSH clients (CVE-2020-14002 in PuTTY and CVE-2020-14145 in OpenSSH) leading to information leakage in the connection negotiation algorithm. The vulnerability allows an attacker capable of intercepting client traffic (for example, when a user connects through an attacker-controlled wireless access point) to detect an attempt to initially connect the client to the host when the client has not yet cached the host key. Knowing that […]

Embox v0.4.2 Released

On July 1, 0.4.2 of the free, BSD-licensed real-time OS for embedded systems Embox was released: Changes: Added support for RISCV64, Improved support for RISCV. Added support for several new platforms. Added support for touch screens. Improved input device subsystem. Added subsystem for USB gadget. Improved USB stack and network stack. The interrupt subsystem for cotrex-m MCUs has been redesigned. Many other […]

luastatus v0.5.0

A new version of luastatus has been released, a universal data generator for status bars that supports i3bar, dwm, lemonbar, etc. The program is written in C and distributed under the GNU LGPL v3 license. Most data generators for tiled WM status panels either update information on a timer (for example, conky) or require a signal to redraw (for example, i3status). Panels within the working environment [...]

MLOps—Cook book, chapter 1

Hi all! I am a CV developer at CROC. For 3 years we have been implementing projects in the field of CV. During this time, we didn’t do anything, for example: monitor drivers so that while driving they don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t talk on the phone, look at the road, and not dreams or clouds; recorded lovers of driving in dedicated lanes and […]

Internet History, Era of Fragmentation, Part 4: Anarchists

<< Before: Extras From about 1975 to 1995, computers became more accessible much faster than computer networks. First in the United States, and then in other rich countries, computers became commonplace for wealthy households, and appeared in almost all institutions. However, if the users of these computers had a desire to combine their machines - to exchange […]