The passage of Blair Witch will take up to 6 hours, but there will be several endings

Studio Bloober Team talked about how long it will take the passage of the upcoming horror Blair Witch.

The passage of Blair Witch will take up to 6 hours, but there will be several endings

Blair Witch was announced at E3 2019. This is a horror movie based on the Blair Witch Project movie franchise. The game will tell about the search for a little boy who disappeared in the Black Hills forest. The former policeman went to look for him, but instead of the usual investigation, he encountered otherworldly forces. The game is being developed by the authors of the Observer and the Layers of Fear series.

Bloober Team Quality Assurance Lead Maciej Glomb told GameWatcher that Blair Witch would take 5 to 6 hours to complete. No wonder the game is sold for half the cost of large projects - $ 29,99. β€œThe Bloober Team was pretty optimistic about this approach to horror, as it looks like the story is written to keep the gamer interested in [playing the game] more than once… In addition, Blair Witch will also have multiple endings to encourage replay. We have no doubt that we will have a real clouding of the mind from Blair Witch, ”wrote the GameWatcher portal.

You probably won't get the best ending in one playthrough - first you have to get comfortable in the game world, where a supernatural force constantly hunts the protagonist.

Blair Witch will go on sale August 30 on PC and Xbox One.


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