Author: ProHoster

Replacing EAV with JSONB in ​​PostgreSQL

TL; DR: JSONB can greatly simplify database schema development without sacrificing query performance. Introduction Here is a classic example of probably one of the oldest use cases in the world of relational databases (database): we have an entity, and we need to save certain properties (attributes) of this entity. But not all instances can have the same set of properties, moreover, in […]

How to save your and other people's time at interviews, or a little bit about HR misconceptions

The next day began, as befits a winter day in a short week. The manager was filled with classic tasks - “yesterday I sent a letter to Vasily Ivanovich in Sportloto, instead of Ivan Vasilyevich in Lotto-million, where I wrote all sorts of obscene things about Vasily Ivanovich, make sure he doesn’t read the letter” or “we are here in the branch in the past year we optimized [...]

The city falls asleep, Khabrovites wake up

If the number of comments under an article is rapidly approaching 1000, rest assured that regardless of the topic stated by the author, a squabble is raging inside: flashpoints of politics, surrounded by armchair experts on all issues, psychiatric diagnoses at a distance by avatar and nickname, getting personal, sarcastic attacks, the causticity of which exceeds that of the blood of xenomorphs, and, of course, mandatory in […]

Why didn't they call me back-6, or be careful, username

When almost a year ago I wrote the article “How to save your own and other people’s time during interviews, or a little about HR misconceptions,” I proceeded from the assumption of integrity and interest of the two parties in long-term cooperation (mutual gain, win-win, that’s all). The practice of the last year shows that the market situation is gradually changing for the worse for the employee, and […]

Interns through the eyes of the company

You probably know that Parallels has been serving talented students almost since day one. In many ways, because the company itself appeared thanks to the same young “talents”. MIPT and Bauman MSTU can generally be considered the cradle for our former and present leaders. How are things now? Working with “juniors” is expensive and “painful” Over the past years, […]

Soviet superheroes, Czech boogers and an Australian clone

In the article “How the science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke almost closed down the magazine “Technology for Youth”,” I promised to talk on Friday about how the editor-in-chief of “Veselye Kartinki” almost got burned by bugs—in the most literal sense of the word. Today is Friday, but first I would like to say a few words about the “Funny Pictures” themselves - this unique case […]

Release of decentralized video broadcasting platform PeerTube 2.0

The release of PeerTube 2.0, a decentralized platform for organizing video hosting and video broadcasting, has been published. PeerTube offers a vendor-neutral alternative to YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo, using a content distribution network based on P2P communications and linking visitors' browsers together. The project's developments are distributed under the AGPLv3 license. PeerTube is based on the BitTorrent client WebTorrent, which runs in the browser and uses WebRTC technology to […]

Microsoft Defender ATP will be released for Linux

Microsoft is working to provide support for Linux in the Microsoft Defender ATP (Advanced Threat Protection) platform, designed to provide proactive protection, monitor unpatched vulnerabilities, and identify and eliminate malicious activity on the system. The platform combines an anti-virus package, a network intrusion detection system, a mechanism for protecting against exploitation of vulnerabilities (including 0-day), tools for extended isolation, additional application management tools and […]

Spleeter, a system for separating music and voice, is open source

Streaming provider Deezer has open-sourced an experimental project called Spleeter, which is developing a machine learning system for separating audio sources from complex audio compositions. The program allows you to remove vocals from a composition and leave only the musical accompaniment, manipulate the sound of individual instruments, or discard the music and leave the voice for overlaying with another sound series, creating mixes, karaoke or transcription. Code […]

Release of HandBrake 1.3.0 video transcoding software

After a year of development, the release of a tool for multi-threaded transcoding of video files from one format to another is presented - HandBrake 1.3.0. The program is available both in command line mode and as a GUI interface. The project code is written in C language (for Windows GUI implemented in .NET) and distributed under the GPL license. Binary assemblies are prepared for Linux […]

Arch Linux has changed how Linux kernel packages are installed

Arch Linux developers have announced changes in the way they install packages with the Linux kernel. All official kernel packages (linux, linux-lts, linux-zen and linux-hardened) will no longer actually install the kernel image into the /boot directory. Installation and removal of kernel images will be performed by the mkinitcpio script (hooks for processing kernel installation operations have so far been added only to mkinitcpio, but in […]