Author: ProHoster

Pale Moon Browser 32 Release

The release of the Pale Moon 32 web browser has been published, which forked from the Firefox codebase to provide higher performance, preserve the classic interface, minimize memory consumption and provide additional customization options. Pale Moon builds are generated for Windows and Linux (x86_64). The project code is distributed under the MPLv2 (Mozilla Public License). The project adheres to the classical organization of the interface, without switching to […]

openSUSE simplifies the H.264 codec installation process

The openSUSE developers have implemented a scheme to simplify the installation of the H.264 video codec in the distribution. A few months ago, the distribution package also included packages with the AAC audio codec (using the FDK AAC library), which is approved as an ISO standard, defined in the MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 specifications and used in many video services. Distribution of H.264 video compression technology requires payment of royalties to MPEG-LA, but […]

Mozilla Common Voice 12.0 Voice Update

Mozilla has updated its Common Voice voice data sets, which include pronunciation examples from over 200 people. Data released as public domain (CC0). The proposed sets can be used in machine learning systems to build speech recognition and synthesis models. Compared to the last update, the volume of speech material in the collection has increased from 23.8 to 25.8 thousand hours of speech. IN […]

Release of the Tails 5.9 distribution

The release of Tails 5.9 (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), a specialized distribution kit based on the Debian package base and designed for anonymous access to the network, has been released. Anonymous exit to Tails is provided by the Tor system. All connections, except traffic through the Tor network, are blocked by default by the packet filter. Encryption is used to store user data in the save user data between runs mode. […]

Stable release of Wine 8.0

After a year of development and 28 experimental versions, a stable release of the open implementation of the Win32 API, Wine 8.0, is presented, which includes more than 8600 changes. The key achievement in the new version is the completion of work on translating Wine modules into the . 5266 (5156 year ago 5049, two years ago XNUMX) programs for Windows were confirmed to be fully operational in Wine, more […]

GStreamer 1.22.0 multimedia framework available

After a year of development, GStreamer 1.22 was released, a cross-platform set of components for creating a wide range of multimedia applications, from media players and audio / video file converters, to VoIP applications and streaming systems. The GStreamer code is distributed under the LGPLv2.1 license. Separately, updates of the gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly plugins, as well as the gst-libav binding and the gst-rtsp-server streaming server are being developed. At the API level and […]

Microsoft releases WinGet 1.4 open source package manager

Microsoft introduced the WinGet 1.4 (Windows Package Manager) package manager, designed to install applications on Windows from a community-maintained repository, which acts as an alternative to the Microsoft Store catalog that can be accessed from the command line. The code is written in C++ and distributed under the MIT license. For package management, commands similar to such package managers are provided […]

Tangram 2.0, WebKitGTK based web browser published

The release of the Tangram 2.0 web browser, built on GNOME technologies and specializing in organizing access to constantly used web applications, has been published. The browser code is written in JavaScript and distributed under the GPLv3 license. The browser engine is the WebKitGTK component, also used in the Epiphany (GNOME Web) browser. Ready-made packages are formed in the flatpak format. The browser interface contains a sidebar where […]

Release of the BSD helloSystem 0.8 developed by the AppImage author

Simon Peter, the creator of the AppImage self-contained package format, has released the helloSystem 0.8 distribution, based on FreeBSD 13 and positioned as a system for ordinary users that macOS lovers who are dissatisfied with Apple's policies can switch to. The system is devoid of the complications inherent in modern Linux distributions, is under complete user control and allows former macOS users to feel comfortable. To get acquainted […]

The creator of C ++ criticized the imposition of safe programming languages

Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of the C++ language, published objections to the findings of the NSA report, which recommended that organizations move away from using programming languages ​​such as C and C++, which shift memory management to the developer, in favor of languages such as C#, Go, Java, Ruby, Rust, and Swift that provide automatic memory management or perform secure […]

Google to fire 16% of Fuchsia developers

Google has announced massive staff cuts, which resulted in the dismissal of about 12 employees, which is approximately 6% of the total staff. Among other things, there was information that about 400 employees involved in the Fuchsia project were laid off, which corresponds to approximately 16% of the total number of employees involved in work on this OS. In addition, it is reported […]