Author: ProHoster

Changes made to OpenBSD to further protect process memory

Theo de Raadt added a series of patches to the OpenBSD codebase to further protect user-space process memory. Developers are offered a new system call and the associated mimmutable library function of the same name, which allows fixing access rights when reflecting into memory (memory mappings). After fixing, the rights set for the memory area, for example, prohibition of […]

After the release of KDE Plasma 5.27, they plan to start development of the KDE 6 branch

The KDE Akademy 2022 conference in Barcelona reviewed the development plan for the KDE 6 branch. The release of the KDE Plasma 5.27 desktop will be the last in the KDE 5 series, and after that, the developers will begin to form the KDE 6 branch. The key change in the new branch will be the transition to Qt 6 and the delivery updated core set of KDE libraries and runtime components […]

LibreSSL 3.6.0 Cryptographic Library Release

The developers of the OpenBSD project have released LibreSSL 3.6.0 portable edition, which develops a fork of OpenSSL aimed at providing a higher level of security. The LibreSSL project is focused on high-quality support for SSL / TLS protocols with the removal of unnecessary functionality, the addition of additional security features and a significant cleaning and reworking of the code base. The release of LibreSSL 3.6.0 is considered experimental, […]

Firefox Update 105.0.3

A patch release of Firefox 105.0.3 is available that fixes an issue that causes frequent crashes on Windows systems with Avast or AVG antivirus packages installed. Source:

Parrot 5.1 distribution release with a selection of security checkers

Parrot 5.1 is now available, based on the Debian 11 package base and including a collection of tools for system security testing, forensic analysis and reverse engineering. Several iso images with MATE environment are offered for download, designed for everyday use, security testing, installation on Raspberry Pi 4 boards and creating specialized installations, for example, for use in cloud environments. […]

KaOS 2022.10 distribution release

KaOS 2022.10 is released, a continuous update distribution aimed at providing a desktop based on the latest KDE releases and applications using Qt. Of the distribution-specific design features, one can note the placement of a vertical panel on the right side of the screen. The distribution is developed with Arch Linux in mind, but maintains its own independent repository of over 1500 packages, and […]

The libSQL project started developing a fork of the SQLite DBMS

The libSQL project has attempted to create a fork of the SQLite database focused on being open to community developer participation and promoting innovation beyond the original intent of SQLite. The reason given for the fork is SQLite's rather strict policy of accepting third-party code from the community when there is a need to promote improvements. The fork code is distributed under the MIT license (SQLite […]

Canonical Launches Free Extended Update Service for Ubuntu

Canonical has made available a free subscription to the commercial Ubuntu Pro (formerly Ubuntu Advantage) service, which provides access to extended updates for the LTS branches of Ubuntu. The service provides the opportunity to receive updates with vulnerabilities fixes for 10 years (the standard maintenance period for LTS branches is 5 years) and provides access to live patches that allow you to apply updates to the Linux kernel on the fly without rebooting. […]

GitHub Adds Support for Vulnerability Tracking in Dart Projects

GitHub announced the addition of Dart language support to its services for tracking vulnerabilities in packages containing Dart code. Support for Dart and the Flutter framework has also been added to the GitHub Advisory Database, which publishes information about vulnerabilities affecting projects hosted on GitHub, as well as tracking issues in packages related to […]

RetroArch 1.11 game console emulator released

The release of the RetroArch 1.11 project has been published, which develops an add-on for emulating various game consoles, which allows you to run classic games using a simple, unified graphical interface. The use of emulators of such consoles as Atari 2600/7800/Jaguar/Lynx, Game Boy, Mega Drive, NES, Nintendo 64/DS, PCEngine, PSP, Sega 32X/CD, SuperNES, etc. is supported. Gamepads from existing game consoles can be used, including Playstation 3, […]

Redcore Linux 2201 Distribution Release

A year since the last release, the Redcore Linux 2201 distribution has been released, which attempts to combine the functionality of Gentoo with convenience for ordinary users. The distribution provides a simple installer that allows you to quickly deploy a working system without requiring rebuilding components from source. Users are provided with a repository with ready-made binary packages, maintained using a continuous update cycle (rolling model). For driving […]