Author: ProHoster

Audacity 3.1.0

A new version of the free audio editor Audacity has been released. Changes: Instead of a clip moving tool in the timeline, each clip now has a drag-and-drop title. Added non-destructive trimming of clips by dragging the right or left edge. The playback of a segment in a loop has been redesigned, now the ruler has editable loop boundaries. Added context menu under RMB. Removed hard link to local […]

Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Single Board Computer Announced

6 years after the introduction of the Raspberry Pi Zero, the next generation of single-board in this format, the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, was announced. Compared to the previous model, similar in characteristics to the Raspberry Pi B, but with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules, this model is based on a Broadcom BCM2710A1 chip, the same as on the Raspberry Pi 3. […]

eMKatic 0.41

eMKatic is a cross-platform emulator of modern computers of the Elektronika series that supports MK-152, MK-152M, MK-1152 and MK-161 skins. Written in Object Pascal and compiled with Lazarus and the Free Pascal Compiler. (read more…) mk-152, programmable calculator, emulator

New version of Cygwin 3.3.0, GNU environment for Windows

Red Hat has published a stable release of the Cygwin 3.3.0 package, which includes a DLL library for emulating the basic Linux API on Windows, which allows you to build programs created for Linux with minimal changes. The package also includes standard Unix utilities, server applications, compilers, libraries, and header files directly built to run on Windows.

Benchmarking Ubuntu and Ubuntu/WSL2 environments on Windows 11

Phoronix ran a series of performance tests on Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 21.10, and Ubuntu 20.04 environments in the WSL2 environment of Windows 11 pre-release 22454.1000. With a total of 130 tests, an Ubuntu 20.04 environment on Windows 11 WSL2 was able to achieve 94% of the performance of Ubuntu 20.04 running unstacked on bare hardware in the same configuration.

Local root vulnerability in PHP-FPM

PHP-FPM, the FastCGI process manager included in the main distribution of PHP since the 5.3 branch, has a critical vulnerability CVE-2021-21703, which allows an unprivileged host user to execute code as root. The problem manifests itself on servers that use PHP-FPM to organize the launch of PHP scripts, usually used in conjunction with Nginx. The researchers who identified the problem were able to prepare a working prototype of the exploit.

Introducing Ansible Automation Platform 2 Part 2: Automation Controller

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the new version of the Ansible automation platform and talk about the automation controller 4.0 that appeared in it. It's actually an improved and renamed Ansible Tower, and it's a standardized mechanism for defining automations, operations, and enterprise-wide delegation. The controller received a number of interesting technologies and a new architecture that help to quickly scale […]

Blazor: SPA without javascript for SaaS in practice

When at any moment it became clear what this is… When implicit type conversion remained only in the epics of the aksakals of the era of the origin of the web… When smart books on Javascript found their inglorious end in the trash… All this happened when He saved the frontend world. Well, let's slow down our pathos machine. Today I invite you to take a look at […]

New Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W board unveiled

The Raspberry Pi project has announced the availability of a new generation of the Raspberry Pi Zero W board, which combines compact dimensions with support for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The new Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W model is made in the same miniature form factor (65 x 30 x 5 mm), i.e. about half the size of a regular Raspberry Pi. Sales have just started [...]

Release of RustZX 0.15.0, a cross-platform ZX Spectrum emulator

The release of the free emulator RustZX 0.15, written entirely in the Rust programming language and distributed under the MIT license, has been released. The developers note the following features of the project: Full emulation of ZX Spectrum 48k and ZX Spectrum 128k; Sound emulation; Support for compressed gz resources; Ability to work with resources in tap (tape drives), sna (snapshots) and scr (screenshots) formats; High-precision emulation of AY chip; Emulation […]

Google mobile search may lose its leading position in the Australian market

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has concluded that Google should be forced to stop setting its search on mobile devices by default. The regulator recommended the mandatory introduction of a screen for selecting alternative search engines on existing and new devices running the Android OS.