Author: ProHoster

Work has begun on KDE Frameworks 6 goals

The KDE community is slowly starting to outline goals for the future 6th branch of its products. Thus, from November 22 to 24, the Mercedes-Benz Innovation Lab Berlin office will host a sprint dedicated to KDE Frameworks 6. Work on a new branch of KDE libraries will be devoted to modernizing and cleaning the API, in particular, the following will be done: separation of abstractions and implementations of libraries; abstraction from platform-specific mechanisms […]

Trident project moves away from BSD to VoidLinux

A complete move has been announced, with limited hardware support and poor availability of software packages on FreeBSD cited as the main reasons. They promise that there will be better support for GPUs, sound cards, streaming, wireless networks, Bluetooth support will also be implemented, always fresh updates, fast loading, Hybrid EFI/Legacy support. The reasons for switching to Void include runit (impressed with the speed and simplicity of the initialization system), LibreSSL […]

New versions of Wine 4.19 and Wine Staging 4.19

An experimental release of an open implementation of the Win32 API is available - Wine 4.19. Since the release of version 4.18, 41 bug reports have been closed and 297 changes have been made. The most important changes: VBScript capabilities have been expanded: String, LBound, RegExp.Replace functions have been added. New expressions have been implemented; Added wined3d_stateblock_set_sampler_state() and wined3d_stateblock_set_texture_stage_state() functions to WineD3D. Implemented processing of state fixation (StateBlock) in calls d3d9_device_SetSamplerState(), d3d9_device_SetTextureStageState(), […]

Swift Server Working Group Annual Report

Today, the annual report of the Swift Server Work Group (SSWG), which was created a year ago to research and prioritize the needs of developers of server solutions on Swift, became available. The group follows a so-called incubation process for accepting new modules for the language, where developers come with ideas and, in contact with the community and SSWG itself, bring them to acceptance into the server […]

Mozilla, Cloudflare and Facebook introduce TLS extension for delegating short-lived certificates

Mozilla, Cloudflare and Facebook jointly announced a new TLS extension, Delegated Credentials (DC), which solves the problem with certificates when organizing access to a site through content delivery networks. Certificates issued by certification authorities have a long validity period, which creates difficulties when it is necessary to organize access to a site through a third-party service, on behalf of which a secure connection must be established, since transfer of the certificate […]

New iOS 13.2 glitches: Tesla owners cannot open the car

The latest update 13.2 was supposed to fix the errors that were made in the 13th version, however, as practice has shown, this did not happen. Thus, the new firmware led to a continuous reboot of the HomePod, which made the smart speaker impossible to use. However, this turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg. On smartphones, iOS 13.2 brought additional problems. Now applications that are running in the background are closed […]

Blizzard refused to remake the plot of Warcraft 3: Reforged in accordance with the canons of WoW

Blizzard studio refused to rework the plot for Warcraft 3: Reforged. As company vice president Robert Bridenbecker told Polygon, fans of the game asked to leave the story as it is. The developers planned to change the storyline of the project in accordance with the canons of World of Warcraft. To do this, they brought in the work of writer Christie Golden, who has written several novels […]

FMV horror Simulacra about a girl's personal life will reach consoles on December 3

Wales Interactive and Kaigan Games have announced that the FMV horror game Simulacra will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch on December 3, 2019. Simulacra is a thriller game that uses only a smartphone interface. You have access to messages, mail, gallery and other applications. For the sake of realism, as the description says, the project features live actors […]

Bioyino - distributed, scalable metrics aggregator

So you collect metrics. As we are. We also collect metrics. Of course, necessary for business. Today we will talk about the very first link of our monitoring system - the statsd-compatible bioyino aggregation server, why we wrote it and why we abandoned brubeck. From our previous articles (1, 2) you can find out that until some time we collected tags […]

AMD Ryzen processors were not driven by Intel shortage or trade war

The current quarterly AMD conference was characterized by the desire of the event guests to ask all the burning questions that had haunted them over the previous three months. The head of the first company successfully dispelled all rumors about the shortage of TSMC production capacity available to AMD, recognizing the rate of expansion of all 7-nm products of its own without exception as high as possible. From questions about the impact of a competitor's processor shortage […]

Diablo IV Announced at BlizzCon 2019

Diablo IV is finally official - Blizzard announced the game at the opening ceremony of BlizzCon 2019 in Anaheim, and it is the first game in the series since Diablo III released in 2012. The project was announced with a long, cinematic story trailer, showcasing the dark mood of the game, reminiscent of earlier projects in the series. Blizzard describes the game's premise this way: "After Black […]

Metric storage: how we moved from Graphite+Whisper to Graphite+ClickHouse

Hi all! In my last article, I wrote about organizing a modular monitoring system for microservice architecture. Nothing stands still, our project is constantly growing, and so is the number of stored metrics. How we organized the transition from Graphite+Whisper to Graphite+ClickHouse under high load conditions, read about expectations from it and the results of the migration under the cut. Before […]